Edge Gateway fails to start

This looks familiar. I believe the trust store was corrupted. You should be able to follow the steps below to get back into a working state.

  1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\lib\runtime\jre-win\lib\security directory.
  2. Make a copy of the cacerts and cacerts.bak files and place in another directory. (They shouldn't be needed but I like to make copies before deleting files)
  3. Delete the cacerts file from its original directory.
  4. Re-name the cacerts.bak file to cacerts.
  5. Use the stop-ignition.bat file to stop the Ignition service.
  6. Use the start-ignition.bat file to start the Ignition service again.

For steps 5 and 6, you can also stop/start the service from Windows Services.

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