Export dataset to CSV and send as email attachment

Hi Guys, here’s my script.

from datetime import datetime 

hostName = system.tag.read("[default]Machine/machine1/Hostname").value

#Iterate the dataset
for row in range(myDataset.getRowCount()):
	for col in range(myDataset.getColumnCount()):
		myDataset.getValueAt(row, col) 

excelstr = system.dataset.dataSetToExcel(1,[myDataset])
excelbytes = excelstr.encode("UTF8")
filename = hostName +"_"+(datetime.today().strftime("%m-%d-%y - %H %M %S"))+ ".xls"

body = "<HTML><BODY><H1>Test101</H1>"
#body += "This is a system generate email <font color='black'>black</font></BODY></HTML>"
recipients = ["jmacascas@email.com"]
cc_recipients = [""]
smtp_server = "default"
subject = "Here is the file you requested"
system.net.sendEmail(smtpProfile=smtp_server, fromAddr="ignition@email.com", subject= subject, body=body, html=0, to=recipients, cc=cc_recipients,[filename],[excelbytes])

but i’m getting this syntax error.
SyntaxError: (‘non-keyword arg after keyword arg’, (’’, 26, 146, ‘system.net.sendEmail(smtpProfile=smtp_server, fromAddr="ignition@email.com", subject= subject, body=body, html=0, to=recipients, cc=cc_recipients,[filename],[excelbytes])\n’))