[FEATURE] Perspective Workstation: Show numeric/text input on-screen keyboard for touchscreens

Hey, ran into somethign similar for the web browser component from vision…
I am getting a text input but no numeric one, does that work for you?
Or do we have to do with the text for now?

Is there any update on this? We are deploying perspective 8.1.14 early next month. I plan to use a PC connected to something like a Hope Industrial Touchscreen. We will require a popup keyboard, and I do not want to go back and modify entry fields to do something custom. We are planning to run via Workstation to limit access to the OS.



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Honestly an external keyboard overlay app is just easier. As it can also be used outside of ignition

I am running Windows 10 with Hope Industrial Monitors and the Windows Keyboard seems to do a pretty good job. Couple things to be aware of still though, I have had the best luck using the latest driver directly from Elo. Hope doesn’t update the one on their site as often. Also you will need to go into windows setting and enable “use popup keyboard when not in tablet mode” I would still love to see something native in perspective but for now this solution works.

Definitely! Then we can have context-specific keyboards show up, e.g. numpad only, full keyboard, etc.


Where did this land? has perspective developed any OSK options natively? I am having issues getting the linux gnome OSK to pop up with input fields in perspective. (firefox browser)

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i mean to remember that firefox browser blocked touchscreen gestures on linux…
try google chrome or search how to enable it on firefox based on your versions…

Here is the thing i once looked up… i then switched over to chrome… never tried this out.

perspective workstation has OSK support. The underlying chromium browser gives us that functionality for free and it detects whether or not a physical keyboard is plugged into the machine. If no physical keyboard is present the platform specific OSK (except mac os) will appear once an input field receives focus.

It should be noted that the OSK support is for within the running perspective session. If you need the OSK for the “launcher” side of things (configuring your session in workstation) there is a property in the ~/.ignition/clientlauncher-data/workstation.json called javafx.virtual.keyboard which if its set to true will enable the javafx virtual OSK for that side of the app. This is off by default since javafx doesn’t currently support auto-detect of a keyboard and opening of the virtual OSK (or native osk)

As far as numeric specific OSK etc. this is up to the Operating System and Chromium. Some OSes handle this well like Windows, others not so much at the moment.

I hope this help,
Jonathan C

thanks. i will investigate this with workstation.

though i would prefer that IA build perspective components so that we arent dependent on the underlying OS for the OSK. As we lock these OS down more and more, its getting harder to play with features such as this and it gives a feature that works regardless of the browser/app running the perspective session.

though i would prefer that IA build perspective components so that we arent dependent on the underlying OS for the OSK

While I understand this, (as you probably know) an OSK is much more complex and difficult to implement well than just a simple div with buttons in Ignition due to events, scripts, environments (OS, mobile phones), etc. And including a custom implementations brings with it a lot of potential bugs and regressions. It might be something we do in Perspective down the road, but it's currently a tough sell since we get it "for free" from the OS for almost all situations. Especially weighed against the priority of other features and bug fixes that we want to get into Perspective at this time.

Never say never though.

Has there been any progress made on a GUI keypad for Ignition Perspective?


we eventually got ours working using the OS osk, but it took working with Red Hat engineers to figure it out. Perspective doesnt have its own keyboard component and last i heard from IA they are not planning on building one.


I am experiencing the same problems.

No osk is popping up in my perspective runtime when touching the inputfields.
I am using a Linux based operating system. (HP Thin Pro)

Can you please give me more information about how you managed to solve your problem?

thanks in advance,

I had to involve others who knew the deeper parts of Linux. Essentially it broke down to the X window managers. Check if something other than gnome-shell is the mode you are booting up to, or if it’s something else like mutter.

Make sure it’s using gnome-shell, as mutter does not have an OSK in its config.

I’d prefer a built in keyboard component in perspective, to eliminate issues like this. But I don’t think that is on the roadmap.

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We even have issues with it in Windows sometimes as well :confused:

All the more reason for a perspective workstation keyboard. I think logins would eliminate a component in the project from fully functioning.

I sure hope that's not the case....not having a built-in/dependable on-screen keyboard at this point seems ludicrous. Can anyone at Ignition provide any updates? I get that it's more complex than meets the eye, but solid touchscreen support (without depending on things out of ignition's control, like OSes and browsers) seems like a pretty basic requirement.



Do you have any more information on this? We found the file and changed the setting to true but it didn't help and upon reboot the setting goes back to false? MY Ubuntu sysadmin was hoping you might have more info I can give him?

We are trying to use a touch screen in kisok mode but the operators need to be able to login to Ignition for setting changes...

My solution here is not to use X11.

Appreciate you posting how you solved it.

The reason I’ve asked for perspective components for OSK is that it would eliminate these nuances, where there doesn’t appear to be a single answer. It seems reasonable to let ignition use the OS’s OSK, until it doesn’t work for xyz reasons. More often failing due to kiosk mode setups in Linux that create challenges beyond the average user.

A main premise of ignition is that it just works across any platform…until perspective kiosks…. :confused:

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