Ignition has system functions for reading and writing files, which will work well for plain text files:
You should be able to use the readFileAsString and writeFile functions.
Word documents require a bit more work. There is a good example here showing how to use Apache POI within Ignition (no external library required):
I've modified it slightly to read a file, modify the ISBN and save it again:
import re
from java.io import FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, IOException
from org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel import XWPFDocument
filePath = "someFile.docx" #Modify this with your Word document file path
# New ISBN number to replace with
# Regular expression pattern to match the ISBN number
pattern = re.compile(r'ISBN:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
# Initialize file input and output streams outside the try block
fis = None
fos = None
# Load the Word document
fis = FileInputStream(filePath)
doc = XWPFDocument(fis)
# Iterate through paragraphs
for paragraph in doc.getParagraphs():
# Concatenate text from all runs within the paragraph. Sometimes the search string isn't always in a single run.
text = ""
for run in paragraph.getRuns():
text += run.getText(0)
if text:
# Use regex to find matches
matches = pattern.findall(text)
for match in matches:
# Replace only the ISBN number with the new ISBN
modified_text = text.replace(match, newISBN)
# Clear existing runs in the paragraph
for i in reversed(range(paragraph.getRuns().size())):
# Insert the modified text into a new run in the paragraph
run = paragraph.createRun()
# Save the modified document
fos = FileOutputStream(location)
print("ISBN replacement completed successfully.")
except IOException as e:
# Close streams in finally block to ensure they are always closed, even if an exception is thrown somewhere
if fos:
if fis:
except IOException as e:
Here is a link to the Apache POI documentation: