Filter linked to a menu bar in perspective

I'm going to assume menu bar means menu tree, and that the memory tag is used to populate the allItems property.

If that's not the case, please correct me, and also try to be a bit more explicit.

First question: Do you really mean to have the machines names in a submenu ?
Are you going to put more elements in your menu ?

Second question: What doesn't work ?
I can see there's a script eval error, we need to see that error.
But I'm going to try and guess: indentation error. If that's the case, you need to be more careful when pasting code:

  • Python uses indentation for scope, and scoping is quite important in code
  • You can use either spaces or tabs to indent a block, but not a mix of both.

First question: Do you really mean to have the machines names in a submenu ?
Are you going to put more elements in your menu ?
i have many much machines on same menu tree .
below is the Hierarchy
Enterprise -Facility-Area-Production Line-Work Unit- Work center.
my customer want directly he will search the machine by name


The machines don't appear in that hierarchy. Where should they go ?
Is the hierarchy always the same ?

Did you try fixing the indentation as I mentioned above ?

actually, i am using tree for that i want the search option,
operator will search the machine by name.

Hii guys,
anybody has done this before.

Try this.

yes, I did but problem remains same

So, what are the details of the Error_ScriptEval you get ?