The much more efficient solution is to embed a custom editor, which will lookup the datasets dynamically whenever it’s appropriate. I’ve got a very simple example of this below; the project has an editable ‘Options’ dataset, and the available options in column B in the editable table will be dynamic based on the value in column A.
The relevant code is here:
root = self
from javax.swing import JComboBox, DefaultCellEditor, DefaultComboBoxModel
class CustomCellEditor(DefaultCellEditor):
def getTableCellEditorComponent(self, table, value, isSelected, row, column):
comp = DefaultCellEditor.getTableCellEditorComponent(self, table, value, isSelected, row, column)
data = []
target = root.parent.getComponent("Options")
for r in range(
if, 0) ==, 0):
data =, 1).split(",")
return comp
return {'editor': CustomCellEditor(JComboBox())}
Specifically, comp.setModel(DefaultComboBoxModel(data))
- every time the table asks the editor what renderer it should use, the CustomCellEditor
will fire getTableCellEditorComponent
and refresh the data in the dropdown.
Custom Editor.proj (9.2 KB)