Get tag provider with {PathToParentFolder} in expression

Grrrr.... bumping this because, FWIW, the fully-qualified (tag provider) is still missing from the pre-defined UDT parameters eg. {PathToParentFolder}. One would think that at least one of the pre-defined param's would include this. Judging from my 7.x UDTs of days past, it was this way then....

My work-around relearned from @joseph.burns 's post:

udt	= tag['parameters']
tagProvider = tagPath[1:][:tagPath.find("]")-1]
fullyQualified = lambda t: '[%s]%s/%s' % (tagProvider, udt['PathToParentFolder'], t)
tagPaths = [
	fullyQualified('myMemberTag')	# "[.]myMemberTag"

My use-case is referencing UDT member tags within system.tag.readAsync() and writeAsync() callback functions which only take the single asyncReturn argument. This relies on the callback()'s variable references having proper scope i.e. being hard-wired. @pturmel 's suggestion here Pass parameter to tag.writeAsync would be more (sw)elegant..