Handling Errors in Perspective

Hi cmallonee, I'm doing as suggested. To the popup window I'm passing the traceback.

On a View component

def runAction(self, event):

Script module

def error(_self):
	if _self.session.props.device.type == 'designer':
	params = {'message': traceback.format_exc()}
		title='EXECUTION ERROR: contact developers',

I noticed that if I'm NOT using try/catch on the View component I'm getting native error window with full traceback which includes the cause (which is sooo good) of the exception, like this

caused by SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`mes`.`product_code_line`, CONS.....

But when I'm using try/catch with traceback.format_exc() it cuts the trace and last message is

line 122, in update_db Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error executing system.db.runPrepUpdate(DELETE FROM product_code WHERE id = ?, [25], db_con, , false, false)

Is there the way to capture full exception trace by traceback.format_exc() as same as the native error window?