Help need on Ignition historian query

I want to show only rows with valid onChange events, Imagine we insert these tags in a SQL table manually and only do it when one of them is changed. I want to do the same thing with Ignition history when I query data and show them in a table. The History Query binding generate a new row for each events even the time of happening is the same!!!

Considering there is a valve UDT with 4 boolean tags and string tags:
Open FB, Close FB, Open Cmd, Close Cmd, Username(who issue the command)
All tags are set to change mode for history.
The return table needs to be like this:

Time Open FB Close FB Open Cmd Close Cmd User
1 0 Null Null Null This cmd tag also
trigger and use
system.tag.storeHistory to log who did it
Issue Cls cmd → Null Null Null 1 Jordan
0 1 Null Null Null
Issue Opn cmd → Null Null 1 Null John
1 0 0 Null Null
![image 690x80](upload://8F6G7NwUvuG6us4lmE0QwrQ20vN.png)

But in reality there is always a new row for username and cmd with same time stamp.
The first priority is Not Null values wins for merging.
The 2nd one is if two rows have a valid value (Not Null) the last value wins. Actually, this part never happen because I try to omit repeated rows. Each time gateway reset the server log value in history even they don’t change at all.

If you send me a sample dataset, I’ll see what I can come up with. I’ve been on the road a lot lately, so I can’t guarantee when I can put something together.

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Thanks, Jordan, no hurry on that.

This perspective view that is included binding and dataset and all functions:

filter (70.6 KB)

Had a chance to look at this. Going row by row over the sample data, it appears that rows with duplicate timestamps are changes that are late to the party, working as a last change wins per column.

As I may have mentioned before, when manipulating data like this, I prefer to use a dictionary. And with the improvements in PyDataSet performance, I find them easer to use, with little impact on performance. YMMV, depending on the size of the dataset.

def collapseDataset(dataIn):
	# Convert to pyDataSet, if needed.
	if 'PyDataSet' not in str(type(dataIn)):
		dataIn = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dataIn)
	# Initialize a dictionary
	dataDict = {}

	# Get the column names for later 
	headers = list(dataIn.getColumnNames())

	# create a list of dictionary subkeys (t_stamp will be our primary key)
	subKeys = [col for col in headers if col != 't_stamp']

	for row in dataIn:
		t_stamp = row['t_stamp']
		# Check if t_stamp doesn't already exist
		if t_stamp not in dataDict.keys():
			# Insert into the dictionary
			dataDict[t_stamp] = {}
			# Insert the remaining values into the nested dictionary
			for subKey in subKeys:
				dataDict[t_stamp][subKey] = row[subKey]
			# Otherwise, update the nested dictionary values if they have changed.
			for subKey in subKeys:
				if row[subKey] != dataDict[t_stamp][subKey]:
					dataDict[t_stamp][subKey] = row[subKey]

	# Create our output dataset
	dataOut = []
	for t_stamp in sorted(dataDict.keys()):
		dataOut.append([t_stamp] + [dataDict[t_stamp][subKey] for subKey in subKeys])

	return system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, dataOut)

# I had previously exported the dataset to a tag called 'Nader' ;)
tagValue = system.tag.readBlocking(['[Test]Nader'])[0].value

dataset = collapseDataset(tagValue)

Thank you Jordan for your help. :pray: