Historic data in XY Chart not matching Historic data from system.tag.queryTagHistory

There has been some research here on the forum about a similar situation:

I will not claim to be an expert, yet PGriffith has posted in the thread above- Mr. 'Witman' and he ( and others ) seem to have some great insights on the solution(s).
I have been advised that it is also a good idea to inform folks about a more immediate alternative: you can go to:
Based on what you have said, I would check the thread, then look at the Knowledgebase article there which could be searched on with "Clock Drift detector", then look at the support policies. There is free non-priority e-mail support, and an account buys priority e-mail and/or voice support. Please let us know back here in the forum when/if the issue is solved. Many of us wish to know. Thanks!