How should I browse tags using the java API? Bugs?

Ok. I can say that this path (using child.getName) does work; if anyone else would find the code helpful, my version automatically recurses into (only) folders:

fun GatewayTagManager.streamTags(
    visit: (TagProvider) -> ((TagPath, TagConfigurationModel) -> Boolean)?
) {
    fun browseNode(visit: (TagPath, TagConfigurationModel)->Boolean, fullPath: TagPath, tagConfig: TagConfigurationModel) {
        if (visit(fullPath, tagConfig)) when (tagConfig.type) {
                TagObjectType.Folder -> {
                    for (child in tagConfig.children) {
                        browseNode(visit, fullPath.getChildPath(, child)
                else -> return
    runBlocking {
        for (provider in tagProviders) {
            val root = TagPathParser.parse("[${}]")  // Though one might use some subdir in some cases...
            val visitor = visit(provider)
                ?: continue
            val firstGenerations = provider.getTagConfigsAsync(listOf(root), true, false).get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            for (firstGeneration in firstGenerations) {
                when (firstGeneration.type) {
                    TagObjectType.Provider -> for (secondGeneration in firstGeneration.children) {
                        browseNode(visitor, root.getChildPath(, secondGeneration)
                    else -> browseNode(visitor, root.getChildPath(, firstGeneration)