How to read 48 bit (3 words) via ModBus into a tag

That comes back as bad.
And I did log into the web page and download each CSV file, it also contains the current value, and that’s what I’m comparing it to. Those are static dates, so they are not constantly changing which would make it more difficult. When you download it, it also gives you the UID to use. I’ll be glad to send you spreadsheet if it will help.

From the manual.

The UPS has a Unit ID of 0, 1, 247, or 255, while UPS load groups or power modules within the UPS have Unit
IDs that range from 2 to 127 and 239 to 243 (for UPS load groups or power module data). Some data is
available at multiple Unit IDs as a work around for address limited Modbus software products.
If there is an optional Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP) installed, use Unit ID 246, or 254 to obtain EMP

I’m reading from ID 2 which is a UPM module (UPS Power Module) so I think 2 is still correct.

I’m beginning to think the device is simply not supplying accurate data. Latest firmware?

Yeah, at this point, I'd just grab a screenshot of the register values obtained with Modscan or something, then call the UPS vendor for support and show them the incorrect / blank data.

Do you have any recommendation on a Modbus scan tool that will work with TCP devices?

I think ModScan32/64 are commonly used: WinTECH Software Download Page

Warning… 1990s web flashback.

Yeah I found QModMaster? Anyway I downloaded and tried it, and it’s getting the same values
5654, 7967, 2056
I’m getting in Ignition. So it’s not Ignition. It’s always painful to get tech help from the vendors! But looks like that’s my only other recourse.
I appreciate everyone’s time. Sorry to be such a pain.