- Drop the "DataType" from the "metrics"-part of the payload.
It looks like Ignition is parsing these payloads as regular mqtt topics, and in that case, the datatype should be inferred from the value in the TEMP-key-value-pair.
It looks like Ignition is parsing these payloads as regular mqtt topics, and in that case, the datatype should be inferred from the value in the TEMP-key-value-pair.
It just stays as a string but it is not that big of a deal since I only want to show the value and not write it. But what is the exact specification on how to formatted your mqtt topic and payload so that sparkplug b can make a tag of it in your ignition tag browser?
Would like to know for future and other purposes.
With Ignition and using the CirrusLink modules, you would point the transmitter to a folder containing all of your tags with the proper data types, polling rates, etc., and it would handle all of the topic and payloads for you. You can give it some direction in the configuration by optionally defining groups, nodes, and device names. All you do is point the Engine module to the same MQTT broker and the tags "magically" just show up and bring in the data.
Have you actually looked at the Sparkplug B specification? (It isn't very long.) Bottom link on this page:
Have you tried using the SparkplugB node red package: nodered-spb
This will eliminate the need for a custom namespace.
edit: I also find this version of the specification document to be more detailed / helpful to my projects where I'm implementing SparkplugB manually.
Aligned with other suggestions above, I had a [successful] go at getting a NodeRED/MQTT-SparkplugB setup going a while back, more info here: Issues with ignition and ignition designer while using Node Red - #4 by kcollins1
I have used the basic publish and subscribe tool of the node red package and it is visible in the mqtt server but still not in Ignition it self
The whole SpBv1.0 isn't showing up in the Engine tag browser
Have you tried using the SparkplugB Device Node:
Still nothing. also not under Edge Nodes.
There should be a folder with SpBv1.0 right? if every thing is correct.
Don't know what the exact problem was but I'm receiving the data now!! thank you so much for your help!