How to set tag quality (sub?) codes like Bad_WaitingForInitialData?

I guess you are right. Unfortunately we do need more control over the OPC UA implementation i.e. the status code. Really hope the the exposed tags feature can be extended in the future so at least the status code Uncertain will be emitted as well.

Great product, but for now we will look elsewhere. Thank you all for your support!

I mentioned this in the middle of other posts, but this is on its way for probably Ignition 8.1.18.

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Would be great if you could do this for the unique mappings between quality and status codes(*) that can be found here:

(*) I am aware that the Ignition quality codes are no longer a 100% match but still you could do a mapping where possible and add Ignition quality codes where needed. Imho a great enhancement to the exposed tags feature.

My post on the OPC foundation forum:

Thanks Kevin.

Any idea when this version will be available for testing?

And if you would consider adding additional Ignition quality codes and quality / status code mappings? As described in my previous post.

Thanks. Appreciate your input.

I'm mapping the ones that make sense, but no we won't just be adding a bunch of arbitrary codes copied from OPC Classic. As I said previously, we call it a QualityCode, and there is still some remaining influence from OPC Classic in that we have an additional good code that has a value of 192, in addition to the default good code of 0 (for the purposes of backwards compatibility), but it is not an enumeration of OPC Classic/DA quality codes.

The final release of 8.1.18 is scheduled for June 14, but the changes will be available in a nightly release as soon as they're finished and have gone through QA.

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Last question… :wink:

What is the best way to check what mapping is actually implemented and when (and where) the Ignition nightly will be available? I really would like to give it atry it once it is available. Anything I can subscribe to?

The nightly releases are available on our downloads page and we update this thread regularly with the changes being merged in.

As for the actual mapping… I think that’ll have to get added to the user manual as part of this ticket work.