[IGN-1831]Tab Container Tab Width

here ya go:

Seems you might also want to overwrite the flex basis; (i advice to auto)

the default theme.css:
[data-component="ia.container.tab"] .tab-menu .tab-menu-item { min-width: 2rem; max-width: 10rem; flex: 0 1 96px !important;}

with injection you can get it like this (paste into style class background image prop with }{ around the css):
}[data-component="ia.container.tab"] .tab-menu .tab-menu-item { min-width: 2rem; max-width: 10rem; flex: 0 1 96px !important;}{

I’ve also set the min a bit higher here so you can see:
}[data-component="ia.container.tab"] .tab-menu .tab-menu-item { min-width: 6rem; max-width: 46rem; flex: 0 1 auto !important; }{