[IGN-6344] Audit log full from system.tag.writeBlocking calls

Seems to be from local tag providers. We killed the audit log on the project writing to tags within its own gateway and the audit log writes stopped. We tried disabling it from projects that have these tags as remote tag providers first and it did not stop it.

Has there been any movement on this internally? I opened up a ticket and it was closed noting that a fix was being worked on. We're coming up on two weeks without any logging ability which is a massive problem for auditing actions taken in the system.

We have this analyzed and and written up, assigned P1, it'll be picked up next sprint.

It will be fixed and included in the next release. I'll leave a note in the ticket for somebody to post here once it's available in a nightly release.


I was able to verify that v8.1.41 did not have the issue and v8.1.42 does.

Note that if using a lot of scripted tag writes this can cause the audit log to grow to several million records and can cause the gateway to crash if someone were to query the audit log without defining appropriate limits.

Do you know what version this will make it into? We've got an upgrade in 2 weeks scheduled to upgrade to 8.1.43 if it's out by then, but if this won't be in there, I'll pull the pin as we've already got enough issues with the growth of the audit log due to tag writes :grimacing:


Is this going to make it into 8.1.43? I received an email notification to my ticket that it was but now I don't see it in the release notes for 8.1.43 RC.

Hmm, it did, I'm looking into why it didn't get a release note.


Best I can tell, this did not get in the RC1 of 8.1.43. I just tried it at my guinea pig site and I'm still getting all the audit log messages. There may be some residual of the 8.1.42. Will continue to monitor to see if it keeps up.

My apologies. It does appear to be residual from 8.1.42. I had turned off Audit collection, but they all recollected when I turned it back on.

Any confirmation on this piece?

It didn't get a release note because humans are still involved. It was part of the release.

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Perfect, thank you!