I am new to ignition and downloaded the Maker edition for education purpose on my personal laptop. after configuring and loading license key I am opening ignition designer but it is not launching at all. In log file I am seeing below error:
Uncaught exception in thread: JavaFX Application Thread
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.net.MulticastSocket.leaveGroup(java.net.SocketAddress, java.net.NetworkInterface)" because "this.socket" is null
could you please help what should i fix in my laptop.
I've not seen this one. What OS version and Ignition version are involved?
Windows 10 enterprise os and ignition version is 8.1.44
I have uninstall JAVA runtime and reinstall it. then reinstall the ignition. Still seeing same error
Can you upload the full designerlauncher.log file?
designerlauncher.log (76.9 KB)
Hi Kevin,
Here is file.
@jcoffman any idea why that socket is null?
I have not seen this either..
What are the network adapters you have on your windows system?
Also, you could debug this a bit more by adding -Djavax.net.debug=all
to a new file called designerlauncher.l4j.ini
next to the designerlauncher.exe