Ignition Extensions - Convenience utilities for advanced users

Is this the same as effectively doing right click "Copy JSON" on a tag in the browser?
I've spent a hideous amount of time with tag configurations and overrides recently, finding all sorts of limitations. So interested if this gets around some of them.

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Yep, it is :slight_smile:

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Hey Paul, can you elaborate a bit on how to use the *of functions? (anyOf, etc.)

I was hoping this might be a Python equivalent of any(val in param1 for val in (param2, param3, param4)) or all(val in param1 for val in (param2, param3, param4)), but it doesn't seem to be

If this isn't what these are for, is it possible to add this functionality into the module into expression functions?

Currently, they work on variadic args; as in anyOf(false, false, true) would evaluate to true. It's basically a shorter, simpler way to write out a boolean expression without needing all the intervening && or || operators. As a side benefit, it also "short circuits", at least to some degree. It could be made smart enough to expand input lists/arrays and flatten them as part of that expansion, but it's not meant to be a proper functional reduce or anything.

@WillMT10's earlier idea about a match item against a collection sounds interesting, though I'm not quite sure how it would work. Bears some thought/experimentation.


What's the best method for this to be used in a Perspective client? The File Upload component doesn't return the full file path (justifiably), so the the 'Input' parameter isn't known.

I think you just hand it the file bytes from the event.

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That was it! Thank you

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Hey, I tried to import this module into Ignition Edge, however it faulted with the error " Not eligible for use with Ignition Edge, unless licensed"

Does this mean I'll need to license my installation, as I'm running a trial for development?

You cannot add 3rd-party modules to Edge (other than Cirrus Link). The "unless licensed" clause only applies to module developers selling the entire Edge license themselves, and only with prior approval (difficult).


Ahh, that's annoying then. Thanks!

This sounds absurd. So if I develop functionality that relies on free 3rd party modules, for example your own simulation aids, apex charts, and extensions, I basically have to redesign any edge projects... Why? (clearly I don't do many edge projects, but that's beside the point)

Edge is a very targeted market, with a very chopped price point. If many take "absurd" to save a few bucks, and it seems many do, who am I to gainsay it?

{ Not that I wouldn't like to offer my modules into Edge deployments... }

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Hmm, well that's one more reason not to use edge for me then, I didn't realise that! Luckily I've needed database access in most of my projects which precludes Edge, so never had to discover this on a project and realise my hours were suddenly insufficient :roll_eyes: (we'll spend more money on licensing; take that, IA!)


Does it mean that an expression if (a && b && c) doesn't short circuit ?
I just assumed it did, but never looked into it...

edit: Just tested it and it does seem to short circuit.
Maybe I should have tested BEFORE posting ? huh.

Hello, I get this error when loading on Ignition Edge: "Not eligible for use with Ignition Edge, unless licensed". Any idea ?

Third-party modules are generally not available with Edge. See other comments above.

Many Thanks for your quick answer. Sorry for not seeing that, Mi mistake was searching for the word "Edge" on the page, but I didn't notice that not all the replies were loaded on the page in that moment (there are a lot of them and are loaded dynamically) so I did not found anything. Kind Regards.