Install Vision Client Launcher for Linux

Philip, just want to say thanks for the help. I was able to get it going with your help. I still have some issues with putting the file in the /opt directory because of the restrictions but for now I will just keep them under my home directory like you. Thanks again!

I used the visionclientlauncher to create a shortcut for my application and the desktop file looks different from what you have. There are a couple of things which I've noticed.

  1. the Path line is missing
  2. there is a "./" between "app/" and ""
  3. there's a "&" floating at then end of the Exec statement.
    Does this look right? When I try to launch the application using the shortcut, I get a black spinning ball but the client doesn't open. It launches just fine from the vision client launcher.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c '"/usr/share/applications/visionclientlauncher/app/./" app.home="/home/ignition/.ignition/clientlauncher-data" application="ProductName" &'

I don't use the shortcuts that are autogenerated. I always modify them to the style for Version=1.1.

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Hey there, folks. I'm both a Linux and Vision noob, so I needed to parse out all the instructions for myself. Here they are - tested on both Chrome OS and Chrome OS Flex: