??? What are you referring to? OS-level disk operations?
No. I am referring to the OPC server connection settings on the gateway.
I’ve never played with that setting. It doesn’t strike me as a good idea, though.
That is the only way I can get Ignition to communicate with the OPC server. If I try to leave that setting on, the connection is faulted.
The difference between synchronous and asynchronous is that asynchronous is bi-directional, and synchronous is one way, correct?
No, synchronous means each request blocks until the reply/acknowledgement is given by the recipient. Asynchronous allows the calling code to do other things while the request/reply is in flight. It has nothing to do with read-only vs. read-write.
Hmmmm… well my connection is no longer faulting, but it is throwing these errors and failing to read tags.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | I [O.DAServer[AIM] ] [00:18:19]: Server 'AIM' state set to [CONNECTING]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | I [O.DAServer[AIM] ] [00:18:19]: Attempting to connect COM server 'AIM'
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | W [O.DAServer[AIM] ] [00:18:19]: Unable to advise server shutdown hook. Server may not support this functionality.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040202; CONNECT_E_ADVISELIMIT
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:762)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:741)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl.IConnectionPointImpl.advise(SourceFile:93)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.shutdown.ServerShutdownDispatcher.advise(ServerShutdownDispatcher.java:51)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.COMServerImpl$ConnectServerJob.internalRun(COMServerImpl.java:687)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.OleJob.run(OleJob.java:48)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$ThreadSynchronizedAction.run(MessageLoopThread.java:620)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$LoopThread.run(MessageLoopThread.java:562)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | E [c.i.o.w.s.COMSubscription ] [00:18:19]: Error advising subscription callback. DCOM security settings are likely preventing the OPC server from connecting to the client for callbacks.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040202; CONNECT_E_ADVISELIMIT
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:762)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:741)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl.IConnectionPointImpl.advise(SourceFile:93)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.DataChangeDispatcher.advise(DataChangeDispatcher.java:83)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.COMSubscription.oleloop_updateGroup(COMSubscription.java:775)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.COMSubscription$Connector.internalRun(COMSubscription.java:823)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.OleJob.run(OleJob.java:48)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$ThreadSynchronizedAction.run(MessageLoopThread.java:620)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$LoopThread.run(MessageLoopThread.java:562)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | W [c.i.o.w.b.BrowseFactory ] [00:18:19]: Server does not appear to support DA 3. Subscription name: '_READWRITESUB_'
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80004002; E_NOINTERFACE (No such interface supported)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:762)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:741)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:788)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.queryInterface(SourceFile:572)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.<init>(SourceFile:69)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.interop.opcda.impl.IOPCGroupStateMgtImpl.<init>(IOPCGroupStateMgtImpl.java:35)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.interop.opcda.impl.IOPCGroupStateMgt2Impl.<init>(IOPCGroupStateMgt2Impl.java:31)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.COMSubscription$UpdateKeepaliveJob.internalRun(COMSubscription.java:841)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.OleJob.run(OleJob.java:48)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$ThreadSynchronizedAction.run(MessageLoopThread.java:620)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$LoopThread.run(MessageLoopThread.java:562)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:19 | I [O.DAServer[AIM] ] [00:18:19]: Server 'AIM' state set to [CONNECTED]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | E [c.i.o.w.s.COMSubscription ] [00:18:20]: Error executing read against OPC-COM items. scanclass=default historical, tag-provider=FMCS_EHS
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040200; PERPROP_E_NOPAGEAVAILABLE
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:762)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.com.impl.IUnknownImpl.invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile:741)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.interop.opcda.impl.IOPCAsyncIO2Impl.read(IOPCAsyncIO2Impl.java:48)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.COMSubscription$AsyncReadJob.oleloop_startRead(COMSubscription.java:1222)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.subscriptions.COMSubscription$ReadJob.internalRun(COMSubscription.java:1074)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.wrapper.OleJob.run(OleJob.java:48)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$ThreadSynchronizedAction.run(MessageLoopThread.java:620)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$LoopThread.run(MessageLoopThread.java:562)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | W [c.i.o.w.s.COMSubscription ] [00:18:20]: The COM subscription appears to have been disconnected, or is otherwise invalid. The server will attempt to re-establish the subscription. scanclass=default historical, tag-provider=FMCS_EHS
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/06/01 17:18:20 | I [c.i.o.w.s.COMSubscription ] [00:18:20]: Shutting down subscription '_READWRITESUB_'. Is healthy shutdown: false scanclass=default historical, tag-provider=FMCS_EHS