[Feature-5311] JXBrowser EngineOptions

Is it possible to modify the userDataDir setting of a running JXBrowser instance on a vision window?


Hey @jpark!

It doesn’t look like we expose this directly, but you might be able to do it by providing the correct switch with prefix by setting a system property on the client. It looks like ignition.chromium.switch.user-data-dir=/some/path/to/userdata might work.

Let me know if you get that working!
JJ Coffman

I’ve added that option in the client launcher jvm argument, but it doesn’t seem to affect anything.

Adding ignition.chromium.switch.user-data-dir=/some/path/to/userdata doesn't seem to have any effect?

Sorry, probably should have said this a system prop (D prop) so -Dignition.chromium.switch.user-data-dir=/some/path/to/userdata defined in the Vision Client Launchers' JVM options in that vision application's settings.

I was able to confirm this works locally. Let me know if that helps.

Obviously I am doing something incorrectly.


Try forward-slashes or double back-slashes in your path?

I’ve tried every combination of slashes.

Hey Jae,

I did some poking on windows and it looks like JxBrowser is supplying its own user-data-dir on windows which is preventing the one applied as a switch. There is a way to supply this value to JxBrowser directly instead of passing it through to chromium (as you mentioned in your first comment) and Im going to open a ticket to expose that so its available regardless of the OS you are on.