Module Git - Easy integration of git for your development

Yeah this is a bit annoying since I make use of at least a couple (Ignition Extensions and Integration Toolkit) utilities modules in all of my projects, meaning they're barred from being used on Edge fullstop, unless I fork (pronounced with a "u" :grimacing:) my global project, which I'm not going to do....


@e.sagnelonge @PGriffith, do you have any plans to review and merge the pull requests on this project?

Not sure how involved Paul is but he is listed as a contributor on GitHub.

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I'm not involved, I'm just listed as a contributor because I filed a minor PR early in the project's history.

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Hello everyone, I am using Ignition 8.1.39 and GitModule v1.0.2, want to warn about a possible bug in configuration with GitHub SSH.
The "config" file in "C:\ProgramFiles\InductiveAutomation\Ignition\data\projects\ProjectName.git" always contains

[remote "origin"]
	url =
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

instead of the correct

[remote "origin"]
    url =
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

I had to change it manually and now I am able to push to GitHub repository. Before change it I received error about transportHttp even if I was using SSH key when trying to push

Hello @Cole_Townsend,

I'm preparing the merge : GitHub - AXONE-IO/ignition-git-module at Issues-#21,-#12-and-#14-resolved

If you see any important bug fixes or other merges to be done, please let me know so I can release the project as v1.0.3.

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I was planning on doing this on a branch of my own once I got the time, but it would be nice to have the option to disable some of the toolbar features individually. With our workflow, we do not want to ever pull from the repository or export tags to the project folder.

I was thinking I would add this to the gateway configuration. Not a huge deal, but would be cool if you beat me to it.

Hi @e.sagnelonge are you planning on merging in the GitHub - AXONE-IO/ignition-git-module at Issues-#21,-#12-and-#14-resolved into the main branch?

I do not see a v1.0.3 in your GitHub project. The last commit into the main branch is on May 4, 2023. I realize this is done in your free time, is this a stale project?

We are testing using this package for source control and have set it up with Azure DevOps.

For each user in the Git project, we have it set up like this:

Username: email address associated with Azure DevOps
Email: email address associated with Azure DevOps
Password: Personal Access Token (PAT) generated from Azure DevOps.

PATs are accessible from Azure DevOps from here:

The PAT will need proper access to the repository in order to work. We haven't setup pipelines, CI/CD or anything else for the repository.