Module signing tool

Thanks a lot. I am able to see the LicenseState class. , I will be able to implement the feature.

Thanks for the JAVADOCS link, it will be handy.

The documentation says

  • description optional. A description for the module.
  • license - optional. Name of an HTML file to be found in the root level of the modl file. Should define the license for the module. This is the license that a user would agree to upon installing the module.
  • documentation - optional. Name of an HTML file which is the root of a user manual for the module. If present, this file must be located under a folder named “doc” in the modl file. Other HTML, image, and CSS files may be located in there as well. These webpages will be mounted when the module is installed.

I have put a one line text description in description field of xml , but its not visible anywhere in Ignition after installing it!
I have put a license.html file in the folder where the .modl file is generated on build, but its not bundled in .modl file? Where should it exist , the documentation is not clear! Where does the user see the License file in Ignition Module configuration page!
Similarly where should the /doc/manual.html be kept for documentation!

Mine show up in the list of modules under the configuration pages of the gateway. In the description column.

I don't know how it's done in maven, but in ant I specifically include the license html file .modl file in the root of the .modl. I keep it in the "Build" subproject. It is shown to the user during installation, where they have to accept it before installation, but only if the user has never accepted that license before. A hash over the license appears to be stored in Ignition's internal database to skip repeats.

I don't know about for maven, but with ant you are on your own. I keep my doc hierarchy or pdf files in the doc folder of my Build subproject, and have entries in ant to include the appropriate parts of that folder in the .modl file.

Yes it was working fine with earlier version using ant, but in maven I am missing some thing. The html files have to be kept in some resource folder I guess in the project setup I guess. Hope I am able to figure it out soon.

Thanks for your reply.


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