Multiple popup check


Even with this change does not work I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

Check out this post, Nav Helper system.nav.openWindowInstace - #14 by choy, perhaps it will be more helpful.

If that doesn't help, you really should contact IA support and request some one-on-one assistance. Maybe a training class would be beneficial for you?


I done it in our project last year, manage to make it work very well… at first i was struggling with the code after studying basic python programming help me a lot.

Here’s the code i used to make multiPopup works.

Thanks for the code it looks like it works perfect I just have some questions about this line because is giving me this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “event:mouseReleased”, line 72, in
NameError: name ‘window’ is not defined

if == "01_popupPID" and window.rootContainer.Tagpath == event.source.PID_udt.Meta.TagPath:

I believe the 01_popupPID is the name of the pop up to call on my case its call it’s “Analog_Double” and “window.rootContainer.Tagpath” would be the variable in the pop up that have the ID on my case it is called “TAGNAME” and the last thing it’s the “event.source.PID_udt.Meta.TagPath:” this would be the variable with the ID who resides inside your object PID_udt and its called Tagpath and this last two variables to compare if the pop up is opened
so I came with this line for me

if == "Analog_Double" and window.rootContainer.TAGNAME == event.source.TagName:

so I don’t know what I’m missing .


Yeah your right 01_PopupPID is the PID popup title, on the “window.rootContainer.Tagpath” is a string parameter on the PID popup in which during a key pressed that parameter would have a string path to the TAG , {‘Tagpath’ : event.source.PID_udt.Meta.TagPath}. That will be your parameter binding to every element on the Popup.

Thanks Choy for all your help I really appreciate it
it is working great

Now how do u do to set up the location of the pop up near to the device?

Your welcome! Im glad it helped you, do please continue to share ideas to the forum if someone needs it. Cheers to Ignition the best HMI by far for me.

Here my code to set Popup location.

Hi Choy thanks a lot for share it it works perfect I didn’t answer before because I was very busy last week I been following your advice and take a look to python and it help to understand it much better I discovered about Ignition a few weeks ago looking for a software to replace an HIM because the software used have its just too slow and first I was interested on wonderware because it is popular and there is information outside that may can help but they don’t offer demos, too bad for them and then I try OAS but I think it’s too complicate it and this one ignition it’s my favorite so far I have working it just for a few weeks and everything can be solve here

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