Narrowing a wide JSON parameter array via script transform

DotReferenceJythonMap object doesn't support item deletion.

Tried your sample script and I'm getting a "Parse Error in script transform" on row_dict = {}.

(by the way, how do you copy/paste an error message when it's only visible in the tooltip when you hover over the Error_Configuration script result in the binding dialog?)

This post talks about having to re-map a JythonMap into an array of dictionaries due to chained transforms. I only have one single transform here, but I tried re-mapping the JythonMap object and that seems to work:

	value = [dict(x) for x in value[:]]
	cols = ["id","loc"]
	for row in value:
		for key in row.keys():
			if key not in cols:
				del row[key]
	return value

So before I move on, I'm curious if this is the best solution or if there's something else I should be doing to avoid the need to remap (ok, use a dataset result from the query, yeah I know, but is that all?).