New Chart Components

Hi @deon.korb, you can clear all padding around the component by setting the paddingBottom, paddingLeft, paddingRight, and paddingTop style properties to 0 on the root style object for the component.

Hi @jball,

I’ve set the It seems the plot area inside the chart component has a padding. This is the padding that I am trying to get rid of. Configuration below:
Axis min = 0
Axis max = 30000
Axis width is just set for illustration purposes
Chart component style below (yellow background just for illustration):

The result can be seen below:

As I understand, the chart has multiple areas, such as plot, title, legend, time range, axis etc. Even if I have all the items disabled and only want to view the plot, there is a still a padding.

Ideally I want the chart plot line to touch the bottom when the value is equal to axis minimum and vice versa at the top.

Is this possible?


Right now, that’s not possible. The Y axis is drawn with a small amount of padding top and bottom to allow the top/bottom labels on that axis to display without being cut off. Even with the aixs not displaying, that padding will still be present.