New DNP3 Driver Beta

@markphillips thank you for sending the logs
This is what I believe is happening:

  1. When the trial in place, Ignition isn't storing data to tag history and isn't doing any class polls
  2. When the trial is cleared, the integrity poll has already occurred without device provided timestamp, so it gets the timestamp from the Ignition gateway is applied to the opc tag in Ignition.
  3. We do a class poll and get the remaining missing values, but the timestamps are provided from the device and they have a value prior to the timestamp Ignition logged when the integrity poll occurred.
  4. Ignition sees the history with the timestamp before the latest timestamp known for the tag, and rejects storing it.

We know that Integrity Polls are going to cause problems like this with the default configuration of Ignition. In Ignition, each tag provider has an Advanced Option for Allow Back-fill Data that will take effect immediately when set. Can you please try enabling this setting and seeing if it makes things better?

Setting is located here:
Config > Tags > Realtime > {Edit Provider} > Advanced > Allow Back-fill Data

Additional information about this setting can be found in the manual
