New parameter added to a view does not propagate to instances of that view in Perspective

view.json (80.3 KB)

Zero matches found for timeRange.

Thank you for looking into this issue, I had been using Ignition at my previous employer for 5 years (obviously not as long using Perspective) and had never seen this before… I mean views function even though phantom params are populating, but I figured I should report this strange issue so it can be resolved. Thanks!

Apologies for the delay, but I was finally able to sit down and examine this issue. A quick examination of your view.json file immediately exposed the issue: the associated propConfig entries for params are not being removed from the View when a param is deleted. I’ve opened an internal issue to get this fixed. A short-term workaround is to remove those entries by hand from the view.json file. I’ve manually repaired your view myself and attached it here. This view now displays the expected params:
Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 12.57.57 PM

To replace your copy of the View, you can either replace the view.json file within your file directory with what I have attached here, or you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the view.json file in your favorite text editor.
  2. copy the contents of the file to your clipboard.
  3. Open the View in question in your Designer.
  4. Hold Shift and right-click the view node in the Project Browser panel.
  5. Select “Paste JSON”.

view.json (79.8 KB)