Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.16-b20200724

Ignition Platform

16205: Can’t use shortcut options on Linux Vision Client/Designer Launcher when target Gateway is Edge
Fixed so that the shortcut is now working correctly.

8766: Add configureChart to all JFreechart extension Vision components
Added a configureChart extension function to the following components:
Bar Chart, Gantt Chart, Status Chart, Pie Chart, Meter, Thermometer, Compass

16718: Filter out null values in UserSourceProfile#getUsers collection
Fixed a potential NPE which could cause authentication to fail for an IdP pointing to an AD/DB hybrid user source.


9609: Add row height override to Dropdown List, Power Table Options editor
Added the ability to customize the row height on the Dropdown List and Power Table’s “options” editor mode, to better support interaction on touchscreen devices.

9761: Dropping Dataset tags on the root container and selecting dropdown fails to populate the dropdown with values
Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping a dataset tag as a Dropdown List did not set up the component correctly.

14202: UDT drop in Vision suggesting incorrect templates
Fixed so when dragging & dropping a UDT instance on a window, users should only be able to pick templates where the drop target type is the same type as the UDT.