Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.9-b20210803


2935: Named Query editor “undo” operation with empty undo stack clears the query
Fixed an issue where ‘Undo’ in the named query editor could remove the default sample query text.

1872: Allow overriding JSON serialization behavior in
Added the ability to override the JSON serialization behavior of a given instance.

Data Model

3319: UDT tag values are unexpectedly being overridden if there’s an override set elsewhere
XML tag imports could generate null value overrides for member UDT tags, when no such definitions were in the file.

2606: Block Transaction Group With Value Mode set to Name on Block Item Stores Source Value Instead of Item Name
Using the ‘Name’ property in the ‘Value Mode’ of a block item should return the item name just as it did in 7.9.

2482: RemoteException thrown when 8.1 gateway queries history annotations from 7.9 gateway through remote tag provider
History annotation queries are no longer attempted through remote tag providers if the remote gateway does not support annotations (versions prior to 8.1.4).


3612: system.opc.writeValues fails all writes if one fails
Fixed a bug with system.opc.writeValues where an out of range value being written to a Node with an unsigned datatype would cause the entire call to fail and not just the writes with out of range values.


2734: Update BouncyCastle to avoid Vision Client reconnect loop after loading a PDF
Updated the BouncyCastle library to version 1.69, which may resolve some intermittent issues that presented as “ClassCastException: class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.edec.BCXDHPublicKey cannot be cast to class (org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.edec.BCXDHPublicKey is in unnamed module of loader @645a8e69; is in module java.base of loader ‘bootstrap’)” in Vision clients using the PDF Viewer component.