Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.9-b20210806


2008: Make thread dump output consistent
Made all Ignition thread dump utilities (Gateway web interface, system.util.threadDump, gwcmd) export thread dumps in a common JSON format.

1900: Tag event scripts and gateway event scripts offer client-scoped intellihints
Fixed various editors offering autocomplete ‘hints’ for scripting functions from the wrong context - e.g. offering Vision client scoped hints for events that run on the Gateway.


248: XYChart and Pie Chart: adding a selected items
A new property “selection” has been added to the XY Chart and the Pie Chart components. When enabled, the selection property allows the user to select specific slices, bullets, or columns on their respective chart that is reflected in the read-only sub property.

3263: Equipment Schedule: expose datetime in onPopupTrigger extension function
Added ‘getDateAt(MouseEvent)’ method to the Equipment Schedule chart to convert events to datetime.

3314: Vision serialization of binary content (i.e. datasets) is unnecessarily slow
Fixed a longstanding issue with performance during the Vision module’s serialization of binary data.

230: Perspective Components Should Have Tooltips
A new Tooltip feature is now a native part of the Meta Component properties along with two new Component based scripting functions: requestTooltip and removeTooltip which allow the user to configure and handle tooltips from scripting events.

2840: Rotated Components Displays No Snap Lines
Rotated Components will now snap to other components, parent, and guidelines just like non-rotated components do.