Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.12-b20211013


1500: Numeric Entry Field: option to toggle spinner and adjust increment
A new prop has been added to the Numeric Entry Field to control the spinner - props.spinner.enabled will display a spinner when true, and props.spinner.increment controls the amount to increment(or decrement) the value when using the spinner.

4486: The view parameters suggestion submenu of the JSON editor is displaying deleted view parameters
Deleting a param from a view through the property editor will no longer orphan its propConfig in the view json. This prevents the deleted param from showing up in the param suggestions menu within the property config (for example, when using an Embedded view component). Previously orphaned propConfigs will remain, however they may be cleaned up manually either through editing the view json or by adding the param back and then deleting it once again.

2196: Shared polling engine to consolidate polling queries from multiple sessions
Added “Cache & Share” option to polling tasks and Alarm tables to improve Gateway CPU load caused by many concurrent sessions.

Data Model

4824: Dedicated Tag conversion log for upgrades
Log files are now created in logs/legacy-tag-conversion when upgrading 7.x gateways to 8.1. The logs contain more detailed information about any potential problem tags after upgrade.


3273: WriteBlocking to a DNP3’s AnalogOutput tags will fail if writing to 35+ tags
Fixed a bug which would cause large Analog Output point writes (35+ at the same time) to fail.