Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.6-b20210507 - addendum


2417: Missing vector coordinates field in Map onVectorClick scripting function detail
Added missing details regarding the position field on the onVectorClick scripting function.

953: Catch NPE and throw more useful error when you create a roster and add user(s) that don’t actually exist
Avoiding an NPE and printing an error when passing a null to system.roster.addUsers().


769: Gateway cacerts file corrupted after upgrade (intermittent)
Improved gateway supplemental import mechanism and added additional logging to show certificates which are imported into the gateway’s default trust store.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.6-b20210510

Data Model

965: Importing UDTs with existing definitions doesn’t overwrite the entire definition when overwrite option is selected.
Importing a UDT or UDT instance with the overwrite collision policy now overwrites the entire definition instead of just the member tags included with the import.


1809: Docker Image: Support automated restore of gateway backups
Docker image now supports -r <path/to/gateway.gwbk> argument to automate the restore of a gateway backup on fresh container launch.


1983: system.alarm.listPipelines intellihint provides no info about optional string argument
Modified the system.alarm.listPipelines scripting hint to provide more information.