Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.12-b20211101


4594: SendRequestAsync doesn’t use onError parameter
Fixed an issue where a supplied onError callback for system.util.sendRequestAsync would not be called.


1518: Popup View params reset when popup is dragged
The Popup now stores any updates to view params (output or inout) and merges them to provide updated parameters to the view that it presents.

4963 Vision Client Thread dump Feature Requests
Added thread dump saving and automatic EDT blockage monitoring to the designer and Vision client

4821 Multiple dropdown component selections can affect the currently selected component during runtime
Keeping the interaction of sibling dropdown components from crossing into each other.

Data Model

3572 Prefix tag name with underscore if OPC item name contains invalid first character
Importing OPC Items with invalid first character will now be prefixed with underscore.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.12-b20211104


1452: Dropdown doesn’t render width and height correctly when in Table mode
Fixed various rendering issues with the Dropdown component when in ‘Table’ mode. Also, added functionality so that if ‘Max Table Width’ or ‘Max Table Height’ are negative, the table popup will grow to fill contents.

4945: Client tags silently lost on upgrade, 7.9 to 8.1
When upgrading from 7.9 to 8.1, client tags are no longer lost when overlapping records exist in the internal database.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211112


320: Gateway status page metrics dashboard
Introducing the Metrics Dashboard, a new Ignition Gateway status page for configuring and viewing a range of available metrics.

4884: Piping: Provide a “visible” property per pipe
Added a new prop for Pipe visibility. This prop is per pipe, ie props.pipes[2].visibility. (Default) true for visible, false for not visible. This prop can be accessed through the Pipe Property Editor, or through the Coordinate Container’s property editor.

3989: Restoring Power Chart props results in a component error
Added fully defensive logic around the creation of default component properties to eliminate the risk of component properties being undefined when read.

Data Model

3794: Adding a Binding on Alarm Properties causes associated Runtime Alarm Metric Properties under the Tag to return a Null value after initialization
Binding to Alarm Properties will correctly evaluate on the first subscription.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211115


4159: Perspective Piping, updating the “Pipes” node/folder Icon
The Pipes folder icon has been updated to better reflect that it’s acts like a folder containing all the Pipes within the coordinate container.

5083: Sensor: props.reverseFlow should not exist
Sensor Symbol Component - props.reverseFlow has been removed, it previously did nothing for the Sensor Symbol. props.reverseFlow remains for the Valve Symbol Component.

5124: 8.1.10+: UDT Instance Paths in Template Parameters Require Provider to be included
Fixed an issue preventing Vision UDT properties from being bound to UDT instances without the default provider included in the instance path.


4317: Remove Window and Full screen check boxes under Project Properties > Vision Launching, since they no longer do anything
Removed deprecated “Windowed Button” and “Full Screen Button” options from the Designer Vision launching properties menu.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211116

Data Model

5118 System.tag.readBlocking will timeout when run within a system.tag.readAsync callback function in gateway scope
Fixed a bug that led to timeout when calling system.tag.readBlocking inside the callback for system.tag.readAsync.

4973: Add ParentInstanceName to Predefined Parameter Options for UDTs
Added two new Built-in Parameters to UDTs.

  • ParentInstanceName, returns the instance name of parent UDT Instance. This is similar to InstanceName, except the name of parent UDT Instance will be returned when binding from UDT Instance parameters.
  • RootInstanceName, always returns the top most UDT Instance name.


4528: Specific Tag Provider doesn’t appear in OPC Quick Client
Fixed a bug that prevented a remote tag provider with the same name as a locally defined device from being accessible.


4937: Project scripts calling other project scripts from Script Console prints fail silently on first execution after save
Fixed an edge case where print statements from nested packages could fail to properly print to the script console’s buffer.


5113: Rebuild 8.x TTS voice modules (certs expire 12/1/2021)
Individual Voice modules have been updated with a new code signing certificate.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211117

Data Model

4861: Tag Event Script disabled state not included in XML tag export
Fixed an issue preventing the “enabled” property for tag event scripts from being included in tag XML exports.

4295: StoreTagHistory function doesn’t handle tag datatype changes
A new historical tag record will now be created (and previous one retired) if mismatch occurs between current tag & value datatype when using the system.tag.storeTagHistory function.


4438: Automatic periodic / triggered thread dump
Automated Thread Dump Captures triggered by configurable Gateway CPU utilization thresholds can now be enabled via the Gateway Settings Web UI.


1198 Resizing Panels In Designer Leaves Lines Behind
Fixed Designer docked frames leaving visible lines behind when attempting a resize

2115: Vision Tag Browse Tree doesn’t display the Tag’s tooltip
Fixed an issue where the tooltip property set on tags was not used in the Vision tag browse tree.

4885: Coordinate Container: Add an “onPipeClicked” component event
A new Component Event for Coordinate Containers has been added: onPipeClicked. onPipeClicked will trigger whenever any pipe is clicked, and through scripting will return self (a reference to the coordinate container contain the pipes), and the event object will contain the pipeIndex (the index within the coordinate container’s props.pipes Array of the pipe being clicked), pipeName (the pipe’s name prop), and event (containing the most of the same properties of a regular onClick event).

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211118


4939: Slicing PyDataSet Returns a List Instead of a PyDataSet
PyDataSets now correctly return new PyDataSets when ‘sliced’, rather than plain Python list objects.


1495: Power Chart: Tag browser can display duplicate entries
Added logic to trap the two conditions that were found to cause the reported behavior.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211119

Data Model

4832: UDT Members are being processed before folders on upgrade preventing some from loading properly after upgrade from 7.9 to 8.x
7.x to 8.1 upgrade now logs which child tags were lost when a UDT folder conflict is detected.

5148 system.tag.editAlarmConfig causes UDT instance members to break after populating alarm configurations with Associated Data
Fixed an issue where the legacy system.tag.editAlarmConfig function wouldn’t include the alarm name property within the tag’s alarm configuration.


2523: Nested template doesn’t initialize if template path is different from last cached instance
Nested templates no longer fail to initialize if the template path is different from last cached instance.

5150: Add JVM option to increase maximum Perspective websocket message size
Added new JVM property: perspective.websocket.max-message-size.

3781: Cell update binding values are cleared and replaced when they should be appended
Made the ‘Cell Update Binding’ editor no longer overwrite already entered text when a property or tag reference is selected.


4918: Gateway Network threads getting stuck on remote tag history queries
Gateway network threads would sometimes get stuck forever on remote tag history queries across multiple gateways.


4917: Upgrade the bundled JRE version to 11.0.13
The embedded JRE has been updated to version 11.0.13.

4822: Existing Ignition service on Linux needs to be reinstalled on zip upgrade; update readme
The linux zip installers README files have been updated with guidance on installing/uninstalling/upgrading when ignition is installed as a system service.

4999: Upgrade Java Service Wrapper License
The embedded Java Service Wrapper license has been updated.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211122

Data Model

3215: Tag folder cannot be deleted immediately after opening or closing folder in tag browser
Folders in Tag Browser now present correct right-click menu options after expanding/collapsing the folder.

3889: In Vision & Perspective, an alarm setpoint tag binding to a UDT instance is changing the alarm setpoint of the UDT definition.
Prevent alarm overrides on UDT Instance members from writing to inherited alarms from UDT Definition.

3669: Writing non-serializable data to dataset tags causes tag loading errors on restart
Dataset types that are stored by ignition must match those allowed by the designer. This change was made to prevent serialization errors from unknown Dataset values.


235: Perspective Tag History Binding Should Allow Historical Paths
Added unified selection to the tag history binding to be able to browse for both realtime and historical tags.

2047: Time Series Chart, Power Chart, Chart Range Selector - Add numeric locale support
Numeric locale formatting was added to the Y axes and x-trace displays for all charts mentioned. The Power Chart also had numeric locale formatting applied to the pen data display.

4508: Table: selection data in props is not updating to correct values when rows switch places in data
Selection data are now correct when rows switch places in the data property.

995: IllegalStateException when shutting down a gateway with a Perspective session opened
Fixed an IllegalStateException when shutting down the Perspective Module or the Gateway with a Perspective session opened.


1127: Gateway Network Outgoing Connections remain enabled when backup is restored as disabled
Fixed an issue wherein gateway network connections were still enabled after restoring a gateway backup with Restore Disabled option selected.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211123


4546: system.gui.openDesktop fails to launch a proper secondary desktop if window specified to be opened is invalid
Opening a desktop with system.gui.openDesktop no longer fails when specifying an invalid window.

1120: Setting table cell’s number format to empty string causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Fixed a rendering error that could be caused by setting the number format of a text shape to an empty string.


1331: Syncing label stuck until page refresh on master
Fixed an issue where the “Syncing” label did not get re-enabled when the backup was finished syncing after clicking the “Force Re-Sync” on the master Gateway’s Redundancy Status web page.


4969: Internal History Provider and Audit profile data fails to migrate on upgrade if named with upper case letters on Linux/Docker
Fixed an issue where, upon upgrade, the internal historian and the internal audit database files wouldn’t move properly to the data/local/ directory if the files include upper case letters and the file system is case sensitive.

Data Model

3680: Add setting to notification block to ignore schedules or not
Added the “Ignore User Schedules” setting to notification blocks. When enabled, notifications will be sent to all users on the specified roster regardless of their schedules. This currently only applies to “Direct” and “Expression” roster types.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211124


4880: WebSocketSession: “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Delegate is not set” warning when logging out of Perspective via IdP
Fixed an “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Delegate is not set” warning Gateway log message when logging out of a Perspective Project which requires authentication.


4302: Add URL query parameter support for Perspective
Added support for URL query parameters to be mapped into page.props.urlParams.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211129


4470: Unicode characters in Omron fins garbled when read
The Omron NJ driver now supports unicode characters when reading and writing to Strings.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211130


4030: NPE When Browsing Ignition Gateway During Startup
Prevented a null pointer exception when browsing the Ignition Gateway during startup.


3946: Minor BACnet Local Device gateway page UI issues
Fixed an issue where the “Local Devices” link under the BACNet config category would not highlight when selected.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211201


3692: Fresh Docker Container targeting restore of a 7.9 gateway fails to start
Docker image automated gateway restore now functions properly with pre-8.1 gateway backups and performs upgrade automatically as expected.


2093: Vision Tag Browse Tree components Font does not change using Appearance > Font property in Vision
Fixed an issue where the Tag Browse Tree component would not obey the font property.

1348: Day View component doesn’t always respond to scripting changes of Zoom Start Hour
The Vision Day View component now works consistently when setting the Zoom Start/End Hour properties multiple times in succession.

Data Model

3017: AlarmHighestUnackName/Priority not working as expected when clearing an alarm without acknowledging
Fixed an issue where the “AlarmHighestUnackName” and “AlarmHighestUnackpriority” runtime alarm props were being set to null when an alarm is cleared but not yet acknowledged.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211202

Data Model

4174: Custom message formatting not upgrading properly
Fixed an issue where alarm event references within a custom message would only evaluate properly if the property was bound as an expression.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211203


5245: IllegalStateException when restarting the gateway and a Perspective session is opened
Fixed an IllegalStateException when restarting the Gateway and a Perspective session is opened.

Data Model

4819: Driven Tag Groups using “Any Change” mode do not execute with non-numeric/boolean expression values
Fixed an issue which prevented Driven Tag Groups using “Any Change” mode from executing with non-numeric driving values such as Strings or Datasets.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.13-b20211206


5181: Perspective DateTime components’ props.value an hour behind props.formattedValue in Brazil timezone
Version bump to the moment.js library and necessary updates.

5229: Performance issues encountered in nightly automation runs
Fixed a performance regression in Perspective.

1123: Icon: application of style.fill works as it should in the Designer but not in a Session when fill is set to an empty string
Fixed the issue and fill now works as it should when fill is set to an empty string.

155: Add “Insert Property” and “Insert Tag” helper buttons to Vision extension functions & custom methods
Added Tag and Property reference helper buttons to the Vision component extension and custom function script editors.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20211207


5236: Special Login and Logout URL Parameters are applied incorrectly
Fixed a regression where special reserved login and logout route URL query parameters were applied incorrectly.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20211215


977: Alarm Journal and Status Table: add columns for associated data
Add column configurations for associated data for both Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table.

1667: Power Chart: Browsing history with a root path will return cached results rather than newly queried results

This issue was resolved for DB historians early in 8.1. While debugging, it looks like DB historians will rebuild their cache of historical tags when a new historical tag is added. Not the case with internal historians, so this was still needed. This work adds the ability to requery the tags that are to be shown in the tag browser at a certain historical path ONLY if there is a value for the config.tagBrowserStartPath component property. These are the following scenarios that will trigger this requery:

  1. When the Power Chart first loads in the designer/session and makes the initial query to fetch historical results to display in the tag browser.
  2. When the config.tagBrowserStartPath component property changes.
  3. When the user clicks the (refresh) icon on the tag browser.
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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20211216

Data Model

3517: System.tag.configure should provide better error for incorrect tagType
Added better error message when an invalid tagType is specified for system.tag.configure().

4940: Tag properties readOnly, readPermissions, and writePermissions are not legacy adapted
You can now read readOnly, readPermission, and writePermission properties from 7.9 remote tag provider.

IGN-4932 Reading tags in a 7.9 remote tag provider from an 8.1.11 OPC Server with Expose Tag Providers set True using the Quick Client throws NPE
Fixed reading tags from 7.9 remote tag provider in Quick Client.


3038: Column Container: Moving components within the same row can cause other components to unexpectedly reposition
Column Container - mouse movement behavior of child components within the Column Container within the Designer has been greatly improved.


4839: DNP3: “request size exceeds max fragment size” error when writing to >1801 BinaryOutput tags
Fixed a bug which would cause large Binary Output point writes (1801+ at the same time) to fail.