Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190320

Ignition Platform

13183: Use resource path when finding named query in Designer

12935: refactored tag loading order for tag import
Optimized tag xml importing to handle deeply nested udt instances

13026: SQLBridge protect resource fixes

13216: fix deadlock in OpcActorFactory


XYChart no longer renders error state while waiting for first series configuration

Fix NPEs caused when user binds property to something that’s null

Add missing error logging to project add/import routes


11774: Non serializable value from OPC results in error editing tags.


12863: Tags not showing up in Find/Replace

10685, 10713: Fixed long text handling in json editor


13029: SFC in RunAlways mode not starting on save
Run-always charts on non-redundant systems are not restarted when modifications are made to the chart configuration.


12227: Enabled button rendering and font updates

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190321

Ignition Platform

12567, 12568: OSX commands java version error

13040: Recreate HistoryActor if historical tag group has changed

11040: Prevented simple expression cycles, made soft-loop less harmful
Breadcrumbs for Status -> Tags once again display correctly.

13076: Fixed renaming client tag from tag browser

12786: Rename overwrite option not putting children into renamed folder/udt in all cases
Also resolves FB12846


12075: icon zip loading ignores "." prefixed temp files.

12998: Implemented the latest in perspective licensing

13159: Adding ability to style dropdown options
Added a dropdownOptionStyle property that users can use to add styles that will directly impact the dropdown options

13032: Run a FragileRunnable or FragileSupplier on the calling thread if the calling thread is on-queue


12911: Comparing old and new projects before firing the event in ProjectManager


13090 Launchers 7.9.9 gateway compat. feedback

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190322

Ignition Platform

13234: Update bundled MSSQL JDBC driver to 7.2.1

12616: System.tag Function Call Helper Text Displays Default Info


13021 Vision Label fully obscured children still paint if background semi-opaque

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190325

Ignition Platform

13218: Fix curly bracket use in component bindings

13164: Fix React.child.only error by replacing unicode warning symbol with an svg, also some styling tweaks to Gauge (gateway) component
Status > Connections > Gateway connection details will now load properly when there is a gateway connection that is faulted.


13239: Fixed selected multi state buttons not firing on click events

11283: Update Dropdown’s search enable(d) field to conform to standard

13237: Alter property config path on edits to session props


13207: Tag binding within a provider (default, System, Vision Client) causes the others to no longer show up in the binding window

12334: Force re-subscription when the gateway connection comes back up

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190327

Ignition Platform

12995: Fix template drop onto windows, and view drop into embedded view

13013: Tag history is no longer being recorded after renaming tag

13188: Commissioning now works on IE and unsupported browsers now show unsupported browser UI
Commissioning pages now provide IE browser support, beyond commissioning we display a browser not supported UI for those using unsupported browsers.

12903: Upgrade JX Browser to 6.23.1


13276: Perspective PDF viewer build -> added maxChunks = 1 to webpack config

13252: Removed dependence on flawed system.util.jsonEncode to fix SO

12388 Fixed issue causing perspective scripts to not use latest code


13269: Fix enclosing chart steps

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190329

Enterprise Administration

12475: EAM remote upgrade task will sometimes hang on processing zip step
EAM Prepare Remote Upgrade task could throw OutOfMemory errors and then hang while preparing upgrade zips. The task has been refactored to now use much less memory.

Ignition Platform

11593: Remove Edge from Bitrock installer
Edge has been removed from the executable installers, must use the zip installers going forward.

13282: Tag providers don’t respect existing subscriptions on startup

13283: Tag providers do not actually shut down when disabled.

13069: Upgrade expression tag ‘write to opc’ option from 7 to 8

13337: Parameter bindings in overridden properties are not upgraded correctly

13338: Fixed iteration of array properties in python


13016: Only overwrite new static assets on setup if asset does not exist or has not been modified by the user


12070: allow Session Timeout to be configured on OPC UA connections


13308: Use default if singleton resources are present, but empty

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190401

Allen-Bradley Drivers

13378: Update ENIP library to 1.3.0

13377: Fix regression in Logix driver ReadOptimizer

Ignition Platform

13199: Improved locking in subscription management and batch execution to avoid concurrent modification exceptions that were seen when importing tags.
Also fixes FB13226

12926: Fixed reconciliation of pulled folder deletes vs. local changes

12847: EAM Controller doesn’t display Gateway backup details
Internal error was thrown when attempting to view archived agent backups on the EAM controller gateway.


13385: fix host override in endpoint discovery wizard

13357: Make endpointUrl optional in advanced view. Filter out ‘Invalid’ security mode. Make ‘enter’ do form submit.

13284: Fix manual endpoint config page. Improve form field labels

Changelog since 8.0.0 Release

Ignition Platform

13214: Fixed boolean that was not properly adjusting when tag event script editor was open multiple times
Tag event scripts could not be removed from a tag.

13083: Now saving a udt instance to the internal db when a udt parameter has been changed
When changing UDT parameter values from the tag browser tree, the parameter changes were not saved in the internal database

13386: New Tag actions in tag tree not enabled for remote tag providers.
New tag menu items are incorrectly disabled when working with a remote tag provider that allows tag creation.

12789: UI cleanup for breadcrumb, perspective session blank state, EAM menu location

13350: Support renaming the ‘root’ container in Perspective
Properly support renaming the root container

13386: New Tag actions in tag tree not enabled for remote tag providers.
New tag menu items are incorrectly disabled when working with a remote tag provider that allows tag creation.

12289: import and export of tag groups
Tag groups can now be exported and imported from the Designer. Legacy scan class csv files can also be imported as tag groups.

12685: Add default engunit values to tag editor
Added default engineering units back to the tag editor.

12674: Update missing JDBC driver error message

13317: types folder can be dragged to a UDT definition
types tag folder was able to be dragged into a UDT. After the drag, it could not be deleted. Now the _types folder cannot be dragged or pasted anywhere.

13245: Filter out invalid projects in designer project list

13181: Display project name on SFC status page
Add project name to SFC status page

13108: Populate tag group name field when adding new tag group

11883: system.tag.editAlarmConfig Doesn’t Work On UDT Instance Members

12053: Fix quality on type definition tags
Tags under type definitions no longer show bad quality indicators. Double-clicking value does not allow editing any more for type definition members (we may bring this back, but due to the array of tag value sources, it’s not feasible at this time).

13299: Fix module documentation link

13204 & 7402: Add right click menu to all designer tabbed workspaces
Added right click menu options to ‘Close’/‘Close Others’/‘Close All’ on all tabbed resource workspaces

13316: Added placeholder image for recently modified views

12072: Redirect users back to where they came from if they present a stale relay state
Hitting the back button in the browser after logging in with an IdP no longer fails to an error page.

11789: Add refresh and sorting back to OPC Browse panel
Add refresh and sorting options back to OPC Browser.

13315: Compare usernames in a case-insensitive way
Login using an Ignition IdP now handles usernames in a case-insensitive fashion.

11399: Add missing property text for AJT headers
Fix header text in Alarm Journal component

13305: Text popup now editable when rendered outside of frame

13105: Fixed user permission check for send to…
Sending resources to another project now looks at correct project’s required permissions.


12928: Make Radio group respond to value changes, as well as index
External writes to the ‘value’ property of a radio group, including from bidirectional tag bindings, will now properly trigger updates to the group’s selected state.

12967: Perspective Component Icons
Added icons to the perspective component palette and perspective components in the project browser.

13213: Perspective status mobil

13313: Fixed incorrect peer addresses being returned for an independent gateway
Perspective client was incorrectly reporting existence of a redundant backup gateway on independent gateways.

12991: Map Transform with Expression output accepts tag function
Perspective Map Transform with Numeric Range and Expression as the input and output respectively now properly resolve Tag values.

13310: Fix scaling function in coordinate container to properly support bound props
Fixed an issue with automatic conversion of coordinate containers with bound position properties.

13300: Disable the refresh action in the designer
Disabled system.perspective.refresh() and the refresh action in the designer. Also fixes 12879

13096: Add scheme and port to gateway.address session prop

12754: Add a Home button for a direct return back to the app home screen (iOS and Android)
Add Exit App button to AppBar for mobile clients

12969: Removed min-height from dropdown

12584: Created file upload component
This is a new component for Perspectives. A user can drag files onto this component, or interact with it (via the "Browse" button) and select files to upload. The component will provide an upload/loading status for each file that is being uploaded and also provide appropriate messaging / error handling. This component has a "dark" theme as well as the standard "light" theme.

There are 3 size variants for the component that correspond to "standard", "tablet", and "mobile" displays. If the component is above 350px in width, it will have the "standard" variant. 170px to 349px will be the "tablet" variant, and 169px and down will be the "mobile" variant. Each size variant maintains full component functionality, but has been optimized for use at that given size constraint.

This component has an onFileReceived event that fires once for each file that has been uploaded successfully. The event is passed a small file object (both properties and its copyTo method are shown in the sample script below). This object can be used to move the uploaded file to a desired location. Here is an example event script that can be used to log to the console and move the file (NOTE: This action takes place after the upload is complete, so any errors copying the file will need to be caught in this script and presented to the user):



print event.file.size;

event.file.copyTo(“C:/temp/” +;

There are 3 properties that can be set on this component:

The "maxUploads" property takes a number that corresponds to the maximum amount of files that can be uploaded at once. The default value is 5.

The "supportedFileTypes" property takes an array of strings (mime types / file extensions) that can lock the component down to taking only files of that type. If nothing is specified for this property, all file types are allowed. The default value is an empty array (all file types accepted).

The "fileSizeLimit" property takes a number that represents the maximum size (in MB) that a file can be. This applies to each file in an upload request as opposed to the payload size of the overall request. The default value is 10 (10 MB).

10657: Lock Column Container to 12 column layout
Locked the column container to 12 columns, to prevent various scaling issues with different column counts.

13302: Prevent navigation in designer scope
Prevented the navigate action and system.perspective.navigate() from firing in the designer.

13078: Load views with special character names properly
Fixed bug where views with certain special characters in the name would not load properly.

12797: Add focus() method to Perspective component scripting
Added a focus() method to Perspective component scripting, allowing a component to request focus onto itself.

11520: Add subcode to Perspective overlay popup
Added quality code ‘subcode’ diagnostic information to quality overlay popups

13140: Device ID Is Not Set During Perspective Session Startup

10720: Inline style helper gets default value when unspecified


13179: SFC chart monitor displays running charts from other projects


13046: Vision Dropdown Arrow Button Registers As Event Source

12831: Alarm status table background now colors entire background

12881: Fixed layout constraint panel clipping and zooming

13023: Fixed full qualified path not returning correctly

1 Like

Changelog 4/11/19

Allen-Bradley Drivers

13205: fix a deadlock in PLC5 driver while disconnecting
Fixed a rare deadlock when PLC5 driver loses its connection.


12193 Remove GCU from start menu on upgrade
Since the GCU was removed, we now remove the shortcut from the start menu

Ignition Platform

13448: Remove old/unused dependencies from gateway
Removed some old, unused dependencies from lib/core/gateway.

11904: Any property reference will now re-evaluate its validity when a component on its view has a name change or if a component is added / removed / replaced in its view in the designer

13115: Remove option to bind tag name property
Removed binding option that was incorrectly being displayed for tag "Name" property in complex tags.

13368: Folders resources part deux

12780: Create SessionClipboard for reliable tag copy/paste


13332: Cleaned up serialization of actions.

13472: Removed un-used class.

11452: Button mode modal placement
Button Mode Numeric Entry Field Modals will no longer display under docked views

13055: Dock Actions and Scripts may now specify view parameters


13274: Update direct tag binding model in Vision
Fixed bug where the direct tag binding tag tree would show an outdated tag tree.

12041: Fixed font editor toggling style checkboxes on startup

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.1- b20190412

Ignition Platform

13483: Bundle moment-with-locales for localization support

13355: Hostname errors on startup if OS hostname not defined (metro)
When a hostname isn’t defined during the first start of the gateway, we attempt to grab one from the network interfaces to allow the metro keystore to be created.

13535: restore missing OptimizedDataSet constructor and deprecate it
Fixed error deserializing windows serialized with an OptimizedDataSet from 7.9 or prior.

13533: Changed default URL for postgres connections
Changed the default connect URL for Postgres connections to better match the database’s default configuration.


13232, 13062: Place inactive Dock Views in the DOM so that they can receive messages


13481: Replacing expression style for Named Query value tag references in the client tag editor

12648: Prevent selection change after creating components in Vision
Fixed a bug where selection would change after adding a component to a window or template.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.1- b20190416

Ignition Platform

13557 and 13561: Client tag subscription fixes
Client tag subscriptions can stop receiving updates after CRC mismatch.

13531: Always use highest module version when parsing license details
Fixed an issue with licenses not activating correctly if they had references to both old and new module IDs.

13186 Added button to browse properties and inject script references


13416 & 13503: Fix indentation and copy/paste issues with script editors
Improved behavior of copy and select-all actions in script editors with fixed-content docstrings.
Fixed a bug with placeholder indentation in native device data handling event scripts.

13075: Add host session property
Added a ‘host’ property to session properties, which will reflect the connecting system’s IP or hostname.

12134: Show deleted security levels with rules
Identity Provider - Security Level Rules and User Grants defined for Security Levels that no longer exist will now display with an indicator icon and a banner.

13192: Docked panel vertical scrolling and misc fixes
Also fixes FB12880 and FB13145
Added scrolling to left/right docked view editors to prevent unintended cap on number of docked views.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.1- b20190419

Enterprise Administration

13409: Fixes TimeoutExpiredException when attempting to reinstall EAM agent and other UI fixes
TimeoutExpiredException and other errors were thrown when attempting to reinstall an EAM agent using Agent Recovery mode.

13479: Ignore case when checking remote system names
Improved hostname matching for gateway network specified list security policy.

Ignition Platform

13442: Named Query settings panel saves changes to caching and enabled
Named Query settings panel now correctly saves changes to caching and enabled status.

13587: Incorrect method override for “isWildcard” in subscription manager
Incorrect management of wildcard based tag subscriptions.

13569: legacy tag provider conversion can fail when ranking UDT definitions & UDT members
Tag conversion during 8.0 upgrade could fail with a NullPointerException for UDT definition tags that are missing data before conversion. These errors are now logged, and will no longer prevent the remainder of the conversion.

13608: Fix NPE in PagesConfigPanel
Fixed a null pointer exception thrown when removing page configurations.

13596: Replacing Jython library ICU with version 63.2

12774: Revamp the DB/Query tag query editor
Updated the editor used for the ‘Query’ property on query tags

13484: Tag import issues, along with lack of error reporting

13593: Schema validation and IllegalArgumentException on gateway startup

13288: Handle resources turning into folders from a pull in the Designer

11557: Update default ‘session’ tab ID in Designer to 'session-props’

13487: Fix tag insert in reporting workspace
Tag chooser in reporting workspace now correctly adds curly braces around tag path.

13555: Tag drop onto templates results in classcastexception
Exception thrown when attempting to drop tags onto templates in Vision windows.

13425: Error Referencing Scripts/Packages in Parent Projects
Also fixes 13520, 13526, 13492

11914: Scripting functions visibility in designer
Scripting functions that don’t require Vision are now visible in the Designer if Vision is not installed.

12987: Updating menu icons in the Vision Client

13542: gwbk restores exclude the collections pylib
The deprecated collections python library is now removed on backup restore to prevent collisions with the new collections library.


13156: Find & replace support for Perspective Views

13573: Fix NPE in DockSideEditor
Prevented a null pointer exception when exiting the dialog box to remove a docked view from page configuration

12837, 12673: XYChart revalidates data, axis on datasource updates
Removing values from the XY Charts datasource now updates the charted values correctly.
Datasource binding on the XY Chart now properly cause the chart to re-render with the new values

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.1- b20190422

Alarm Notification

13501: Voice notification crashes jvm

Allen-Bradley Drivers

13617: Fix deadlock in Logix driver
Fixed a deadlock in the Logix driver.

Enterprise Administration

13491: Fixed NPE when sending single tag

Ignition Platform

13597: Setting internal system PyState before initializing encoding on a new creation. Jython static functions can target the wrong state
Modifying the Gateway third party Python script directory pylib/ no longer causes an encoding error in Designer contexts

13542: Remove Collections dir in pylib on upgrade
The deprecated collections python library is now removed on backup restore to prevent collisions with the new collections library.

13518: rename resources with illegal filenames on Windows
Automatically rename projects and resources with the following illegal (on Windows) filenames on upgrade: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9

13524: Issues storing tag history in UDTs
Improved the default logic and handling of tag history on new tags. Minimum Time setting now has a default of 1 second, and on-change evaluation now batches data changes more efficiently for transfer to the storage engine.

13622: Adding the source client tag to value/qualityChanged script calls, wrapping it in a read-only delegate
Tag event scripts on Vision client tags error out with message about incorrect number of parameters.

13548: Renaming Tag Folder To Same Name Deletes Folder
Renaming a tag folder to its original name caused the folder and its child tags to disappear until the tag provider was edited and saved within the Gateway.

13259: Normalize export/import icons in launchers

13522: Use session project name in getSessionInfo
Corrected the project name displayed when using system.util.getSessionInfo()

13513: Fix import of legacy project and shared scripts
Fixed importing of project and shared scripts from 7.x


13626: Make sure an instance of the script console is finalized before possibly blowing up on module imports
Project script syntax errors no longer prevent the Designer script console from opening

13187: Perspective Unsupported Browser terminal state
IE browsers now show an unsupported browser page when attempting to launch a perspective session instead of showing a blank page.

13563: Property sync now works with views whose names start with ‘session’ or 'page’
Property sync now works for views whose name starts with “session” or “page”


13575: Vision resource types weren’t getting registered for des import
Fixed designer import of Vision resources from Ignition 7.x

The 8.0.1-rc1 is now available at
Here are the last changes that made it in:

Alarm Notification

13512: Fix merge conflict, restore functionality of calculated rosters
Fixed a bug where calculated rosters were not working.


13067: Installer no longer fails on upgrade if sqljdbc_auth file is present.
Fixed installer failure with installations that have a sqljdbc_auth.dll file for using Windows auth with SQL Server.

Ignition Platform

13624: Paint function definition line number

13494: Added IdP broker capability to support improved user security and privacy from native apps
Added IdP broker capability to support improved user security and privacy in native app federated auth flows.

13496: Fix name check in BrowseFilter
Fixed the name filter in system.tag.browse to not require a fully qualified tagpath.

13471: Gateway side edits to tag configuration do not take hold until tag is restarted.
Edits made to existing tags through gateway side scripting (including legacy scripting functions that may not appear to be gateway side) are not properly detected and applied to running tags. Tags must be restarted or manually edited for changes to take effect.


13499: Update NEF internal state on external value change
Fixed the internal bookkeeping in the numeric entry field to properly support bidirectional value changes.

13541: Relax truthiness check on radio group updateFromValue
Fixed the behavior of the radio group if bound bidirectionally and a tag updates to a ‘false’ value.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190426

Alarm Notification

13009: Errors on restarting Alarm Pipeline module

Ignition Platform

13006: Auto-focus gateway address field in modal
NCL: Gateway address field in manual gateway modal now auto-focuses.

13113: Cannot edit parameter values through system.tag.configure

13641: system.user now visible in designer when Vision is not installed
system.user scripting functions are now visible in the Designer when Vision is not installed.

13292: TagTreeModel stacks up subscriptions on nodes
Duplicate tag subscription listeners were created in the Designer when the Gateway was restarted.

Abstract table to table common, rewrite table component, add features, fix bugs, set up to branch and build alarm status table.
Please see [Feedback] NEW Perspective Table for additional information.

Includes Features:
12173: Copying values from selection, when only one cell is selected, will copy only that
13450: Rows can be configured to override the subview configuration of the rows config
13297: The prop ‘enableFiltering’ is now an object called ‘filter’ where it can be toggled
13586: Text Field in Filter props doesn’t allow you to enter data
13359: Pagination Rework

Includes fixes for:
10958: Table header z-order is no longer greater than other components.
13168: View cells should receive row data as view params
12856: Fixed, by allowing tables in subviews to be configured as non-virtualized.
13224: Table boolean checkbox render mode no longer always renders as true
12180: Boolean value with auto render mode now display checkboxes.
12933: Table filtering no longer breaks if certain special characters are typed out
12931: Table filtering no longer breaks when data contains null values
13157: Subviews when open no longer disappear when scrolled out of view
13158: Table columns should expand and grow with client.


13042: Fixed Chart Customizer UDT NPE


13682, 13683: Bound column configs render column id until provided a title, columns with auto render mode no longer attempt to render as date

12917: Make dropdown defensive against null return values
Fixed an issue where the dropdown component would enter an error state if configured with null Data.

13429 Android Chrome - Dock Corner Priority
Corner Priority is now correctly honored by Docks with Chrome for Android

13324: Add actionPerformed to mouse-based input components
Also fixes 13173 and 12990
Added actionPerformed event (which will not fire when the component is disabled) to the following components: Barcode Scanner, Button, Checkbox, Date Time Input, Date Time Picker, Dropdown, Multistate Button, Numeric Entry Field, One Shot Button, Radio Group, Slider, Toggle Switch

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190429

Ignition Platform

13670: Client tag subscription management creates significant delays on subscription heavy windows

13405: Updated tag browser icons


13668: Pass gateway address from client to Native Device Challenge

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190430

Alarm Notification

13558: Set callback URLs only when the hostname is configured
Fixed a bug that resulted twilio accounts being faulted when a public hostname was not set.


13351: Follow redirects in http bindings
Added logging to aid in trouble shooting errors due to gateway redirect arising from http bindings that target the deprecated ‘/main/system/webdev’ endpoint.

13171: Add deep selection badge, menu item to ComponentNode
Added a ‘deep select’ icon and action to the project browser

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190502

Ignition Platform

12268: Allow colons in opc tag names

13648: Tag groups are not stored by provider
Tag Group configurations are incorrectly shared by all internal providers- should only be used by the provider in which they are configured.
Also fixes FB13576 and FB13577

13576: sqlth_te records are always exempt
Tag history stored in “tag group” mode not attributed to correct sqlth_scinfo entry.

13577: sqlth_scinfo isn’t updated with new scinfo records

l13623: Close the tracker input stream if a gzip input stream cannot be created due to an exception
The designer no longer looks busy until user clicks another resource when opening resource with blank resource file.


13190: Added a session prop boolean to represent whether the websocket is currently connected or not

13720 Fixed uncaught exception with partial reference paths
Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused when typing partial paths into a property binding.


13627: Easy chart onTagsDropped function receiving incorrect item paths.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190503

Ignition Platform

13526: Install project scripts on gateway script manager after modules load

13717: Ensure [global] project exists in the idb on 8.0 conversion


13213: Update perspective session icons
Adding appropriate icons for Perspective mobile sessions on the Gateway status screen

13419: Upgrade react-markdown package in Perspective