Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20191216
Ignition Platform
12642: Master gateway remained active even after Backup requests failover
Fixed an issue where both redundant nodes could potentially be in active states following a manual failover.
15485: Expressions in transaction groups reference the latched value instead of source value
Expressions in transaction groups now correctly reference the source value, instead of the latched value.
9956: Add support for ctrl+slash in new CodeEditor on Linux
The scripting keyboard shortcut to toggle line comments (Ctrl + / ) now works consistently across different operating systems.
11999: Remove dependencies in RestoreAction
Removed an unnecessary dependency from the gwcmd’s restore action, which was preventing restoration attempts while the gateway was down.
9453: Adding the translate expression function to the gateway scope
Translation expression and scripting functions now work in the gateway scope.
15481: Allow modification of resource names (tag provider, historian, project) in Edge
The edge project, tag provider, and historian provider on Edge gateways can now be renamed.
15260: Add margin back to numeric entry field and oneshot button modals
Fixed the broken margins on the Numeric Entry Field component while the mode is set to “Button”.
15102: Custom Icons not rendering properly in Perspective
Fixed an issue where icons in were constrained to 24x24 viewBox, instead of using the viewBox defined on the SVG.
15421: Forwardport 15411- Converted textshape causes Designer freeze
Fixed an issue where converting a RectangleShape into a TextShape and adding text would cause an infinite loop.
Tag Historian
15463: NPE prevention
Prevents a potential NullPointerException that could cause duplicate data forwarding during tag history sync.
10517: Fixed NPEs when a date is not set on one of the equipment schedule datasets
Protects against NullPointerExceptions that could occur on the Equipment Schedule component when either the start or end dates have null values.