Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.14-b20200605

Ignition Platform

16373: Wildcard subscriptions don’t work with remote providers, MQTT transmission won’t work
Fixed issue with wildcard subscription.

16467: Auto-Generation of Relative Paths in UDT Definitions is broken
Fixed issue with UDT paths.

16279: Mulit-Instance Wizard uses incorrect UDT parameters for non default providers
When creating UDT instances with the Multi-Instance wizard the params are now sourced from the correct provider.

16518: Specify undefined behavior in Dataset interface
Codify undefined behavior in Dataset interface & clean ups.

16485: Export to Project - Selection Bug
Minor followup polish on send-resources addition to export window
Fixed up the checkbox deselection --> send action enabled and added a blank state for when there are no projects to send to.


16604: Dropdown: values should not get background when multiselect is disabled
Dropdown Component - the value displayed in a Dropdown Component with multiselect equals false no longer has a different background color than the rest of the component. This was a regression in 8.0.13.