Worked with Patrick to get the example code working with
- we had to move the username/password to the actual post
call, instead of calling it on the client - Java’s HTTPClient only returns authentication if the server returns a specific WWW-Authenticate
header. If you specify a username and password on the actual request, it’ll get parsed into a (basic auth) Authentication
header for you.
# import shutil
Sample project for (REST API).
Extract text from scanned images and PDF documents and convert into editable formats.
Please create new account with via and get license code
# Provide your username and license code
LicenseCode = '<username>'
UserName = 'license code'
You should specify OCR settings. See full description
Input parameters:
[language] - Specifies the recognition language.
This parameter can contain several language names separated with commas.
For example "language=english,german,spanish".
Optional parameter. By default:english
[pagerange] - Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas.
For example "pagerange=1,3,5-12" or "pagerange=allpages".
Optional parameter. By default:allpages
[tobw] - Convert image to black and white (recommend for color image and photo).
For example "tobw=false"
Optional parameter. By default:false
[zone] - Specifies the region on the image for zonal OCR.
The coordinates in pixels relative to the left top corner in the following format: top:left:height:width.
This parameter can contain several zones separated with commas.
For example "zone=0:0:100:100,50:50:50:50"
Optional parameter.
[outputformat] - Specifies the output file format.
Can be specified up to two output formats, separated with commas.
For example "outputformat=pdf,txt"
Optional parameter. By default:doc
[gettext] - Specifies that extracted text will be returned.
For example "tobw=true"
Optional parameter. By default:false
[description] - Specifies your task description. Will be returned in response.
Optional parameter.
!!!! For getting result you must specify "gettext" or "outputformat" !!!!
# Build your OCR:
# Extract text with English language by default
RequestUrl = "";
client =
# Extract text with English and german language using zonal OCR
#RequestUrl = ',german&zone=0:0:600:400,500:1000:150:400';
# Convert first 5 pages of multipage document into doc and txt
# RequestUrl = ',txt';
#Full path to uploaded document
FilePath = "C:\\test_image.jpg"
r =, file=FilePath, username=UserName, password=LicenseCode)
if r.statusCode == 401:
#Please provide valid username and license code
print("Unauthorized request")
# Decode Output response
jobj = r.json
ocrError = str(jobj["ErrorMessage"])
if ocrError != '':
#Error occurs during recognition
print ("Recognition Error: " + ocrError)
# Task description
print("Task Description:" + str(jobj["TaskDescription"]))
# Available pages
print("Available Pages:" + str(jobj["AvailablePages"]))
# Processed pages
print("Processed Pages:" + str(jobj["ProcessedPages"]))
# For zonal or multipage OCR: OCRText[z][p] z - zone, p - pages
# Extracted text from first or single page
# print("Extracted Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][0][0]))
# Extracted text from second page (if multipage doc converted)
#print("Extracted Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][0][1]))
# Get extracted text from First zone for each page
# print("Zone 1 Page 1 Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][0][0]))
# print("Zone 1 Page 2 Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][0][1]))
# Get extracted text from Second zone for each page
#print("Zone 2 Page 1 Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][1][0]))
#print("Zone 2 Page 2 Text:" + str(jobj["OCRText"][1][1]))
#Download output file (if outputformat was specified)
system.file.writeFile("outputDoc.doc", client.get(jobj["OutputFileUrl"]).body)
#file_response = requests.get(jobj["OutputFileUrl"], stream=True)
#with open("outputDoc.doc", 'wb') as output_file:
# shutil.copyfileobj(file_response.raw, output_file)