OPC communication with Rockwell PLC

Thank you will go through your recommendation and let you know the results.

I suspected this when I saw the quantity of tags. This is exactly why I avoid PlantPAx and build my own AOIs that do just what I want in a much simpler way.


Status After tag pruning

Try my driver. Really. (300ms is an unusually fast poll rate, fwiw.)

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@pturmel what should be polling? I set 300ms to have fast tag update for the process analog data

can I get this for trial?

It works with Ignition's ordinary two-hour trial mode.

(It is not available for Edge at all.)

As of Sept 23, 2024, this module is available for Edge.

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The inefficiency of reading PlantPAx really shows. Here's an example reading far more tags with much fewer requests by utilizing UDTs for a majority of my comms vs talking direclty to AOIs.

I'm reading about 402 tags per request and you're sitting at about 13 tags pre request. If you haven't already, increase your connection size from 500 bytes to 4000 bytes and see if that helps any, otherwise, you need to do some serious optimization of your data structure in the PLC and probably switch over to @pturmel's driver.

will check with 4000 bytes and let you know. Thanks.

CIP connection size 4000.

Better, but probably as good as it's going to get using the Ignition driver unless you stop accessing tags from AOIs, top level atomic tags, or tags that are otherwise not co-located in the same UDT and can't be read efficiently.

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Making multiple OPC UA device connections can resolve this? example like if I make 15 device connection and distribute the tags in them, will this help?

Generally not. Look at your PLC's diagnostic information for class 3 task utilization. It is almost certainly pegged at 100%. Multiple connections won't help in that case.

Your PLC simply cannot reply to many itty-bitty data requests efficiently. You can't combine requests in AOIs due IA's driver limitation.

You can never combine different top level tags--you must use arrays and/or structures to make efficient combined requests.

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