OPC-UA Driver or OPC-UA Device !?

The opc-ua-device example is the only sample code available.

You already saw the post where I suggested how you might implement "dynamic" nodes, but I'll restate. Either:

  1. implement the Device interface directly
  2. override the read/write/etc... calls from ManagedDevice

in either case, the calls will be targeting nodes with string-based NodeIds prefixed with [$DeviceName]. The remainder of the NodeId is up to you to to interpret as meaningful or not. In ManagedDevice it simply decides a NodeId is valid based on whether an actual UaNode instance has been created and added to the node manager. If not, StatusCode Bad_NodeIdUnknown is returned.

ManagedDevice is just an extremely simple abstract class that extends ManagedAddressSpace, which might serve as an example of how to implement these calls.

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