Output Console Buffer problems


It's simple enough to script:
Create a library script called console scripts (or whatever seems logical for the given design environment):

Create various console utility functions such as getting the console, getting the console text, creating a log file, and for clearing the console

from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.util.gui import OutputConsole
from java.awt.event import ActionEvent

# Recursive function searches the subcomponents of the console until the textpane is located,
# ...and then returns its text property
def getConsoleText(console):
	for component in console.components:
		if component.__class__.__name__ == 'JTextPane':
			return component.text
			textpaneText = getConsoleText(component)
			if textpaneText:
				return textpaneText

# Appends the given text to the end of a log file 
def logConsoleText(consoleText):
	# Define the path and file name of the log file
	filepath = 'C:/Users/testUser/Desktop/consoleLog.txt' #!!! Change this as needed
	# Append the console text to the end of the log file
	system.file.writeFile(filepath, consoleText, True)

# Programatically clears the console
def clearOutputConsole(console):
	# Clear the console in preparation for the next batch
	console.actionPerformed(ActionEvent(console, 0, 'clear'))

# Retrieves an instance of the output console
def getOutputConsole():
	return OutputConsole.getInstance()

Then call the utility scripts as needed whenever periodic console specific log dumps are needed:

# Get the output console from the designer
console = consoleScripts.getOutputConsole()

# Get the text from the console
consoleText = consoleScripts.getConsoleText(console)

# Dump the console text to a file

# Clear the console in preparation for the next batch