[Bug-15068]Perspective - Icon Not Appearing?

For the life of me I can’t figure this out. Any idea why the icon is not appearing?

Are there any relevant entries in the Designer console or in your Gateway logs?
Did you move/modify the provided default material.svg file in the file system?
Is this a new installation of 8.0.X, or was it an upgrade of a 7.9.X installation?

There are several reasons you might not be able to see the icon, but without some more information we won’t be able to help you diagnose the issue.

Some details:

Ignition Version: 8.0.3
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04
material.svg path: /var/lib/ignition/data/modules/com.inductiveautomation.perspective/icons/material.svg
Designer Console Messages: None
Gateway Logs: None

I’m not even sure how to debug this. I may just drag the icons needed directly into the designer.

Try cleaning the cache and reopen the designer.

Thanks, I tried clearing the cache (deleting the .ignition folder) but it’s still appears empty.

What happens if you visit the View which contains the icon in a Perspective Session? If the icon is not visible in the true Session, then the Browser console should provide you some useful information.

I checked it out, I don’t see any console messages. But maybe this helps? Looking at the html and inspecting the icon:

I've been trying to figure this one out too. It seems to only be a problem on some browsers. I have this problem on one station but it works in edge. See this thread.

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Thank you! It does work for me in Edge, I can see the icons. Glad it’s just not me for now.

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One of our developers has apparently already begun to investigate the issue as part of a different forum post which is displaying the same issue in a different area.