Perspective large and complex SVG animation tips please

Yes I use IDs and also groups. For example put all gas lines in one group one oil lines in other group then loop thought and assign them correct colour base on their ids


Thanks! Im trying this and its pretty good as long as you keep the nesting really flat. But I have a question: what if you want to use style classes? The svg import doesnt have style:classes attributes. There isnt a function i know of to add them everywhere with script inside ignition directly if you're using an iterator, though apparently if you do a getsibling reference it does... How do you add the atttributes and get rid of fills that conflict with them? Do you process the svg externally first before importing?

The SVG elements are just json/(dicts/lists), so you can add and remove keys at your own discretion, including any fill.paint and style.classes keys

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