What I have done to get an embedded dropdown to be able to modify my table’s props.data property in the past is add a change script to the dropdown’s value property that sends a message out with a payload that contains your updated value from the dropdown as well as some identifier specific to the row that you can use to locate the correct row to update its value. My script on the dropdown component would look something like this:
value = currentValue.value
if value is not None:
if 'Binding' not in str(origin):
msg = 'UpdateRow'
name = self.view.params.rowData['name']
payload = {
'value' : value,
'name' : name
system.perspective.sendMessage(msg, payload)
Then I would create a message handler on the table view that loops through the rows of table.props.data and checks if the payload from any message received contains the identifier mentioned above (the name column, in my example) and if so, update the value of your dropdown column for that row. Something like:
newData = []
rowName = str(payload['name'])
value = payload['value']
data = self.getChild("Table").props.data
for row in range(len(data)):
newRow = dict(data[row])
if str(data[row]['name']) == rowName:
newRow['dropdownColumn'] = value
self.getChild("Table").props.data = newData