Perspective table dynamic icons and rows colors

You’ll need to set up your data so that it contains the following structure for each row:

    "stationName": "MyStationOne",
    "tagPath": "[provider]SomePath/MyTag",
    "displayAlarm": "[provider]SomePath/MyTag"

In this data, the displayAlarm uses the same string tag path as tagPath, but the View itself will be responsible for determining if the icon should be shown.

You then need to set up a column configuration for each column you want in your table, and you need to make sure that the field property of each column configuration matches the keys in the row data.
Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 10.38.48AM

The important part is selecting that the column should render a view and supplying the path to the View (note the setting of the render property and the viewPath property):
Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 10.39.50AM

For changing the color of rows based on some value, please see this post: Changing colour of row based off value in cell in perspective table - #17 by cmallonee

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