[Bug-16897]Perspective column config style settings not applied

How/where do I change/set column’s font,color,etc in perspective table?

I have the same question, waiting for the answer

You need to create an entry in the columns array, set the field value to match the name of one of your columns, and then you can set custom styles for the column in that entry.


This actually might be a bug. I’m not seeing changes within the table when setting column config styles, although I do see the expected changes if I apply them through a row config or as part of an individual cell’s data. Until we determine the root cause, you could apply the desired font-family property on the individual data pieces through a transform when you apply your data:

Might be the same issue as Bug-13817

I actually looked into that one before I opened the new one, and 13817 is dealing with areas which do not yet have styling available to them, whereas columns DO having styling enabled - it just isn’t working.

Style classes applied to myTable.props.columns[index].style.classes still have no effect in Ignition 8.1.9.

Bug-13817 was posted before column styling was added, it appears, but deals with the same root issue. Would like to know if a fix is visible on the nearish roadmap before working out the dataset transform on the input data.

Actually, we are actively working on a fix which should include this. Current estimate is 8.1.11 (no promises).

Hey @cmallonee, was this fixed in 8.1.11? I can the addition of the headerStyle prop but no mention of whether columns.style is fixed. Thanks!

Thanks for asking @kirsty! Columns.style was indeed fixed in 8.1.11. You can now apply inline and styleClasses via columns..style. If you happen to find a style not applying correctly please report back here.
