Perspective Text Field Numeric Keypad

The flex repeater passes in a "secret" index parameter. The index number is the array number.
Repeater index
Figure 1. The instance index.

On the repeated view add the index parameter. I've set it to -1 so I know if it is the test value or the real index value.

Subview index
Figure 2. Add the index parameter on the subview.


  1. Pass the index parameter to your keypad popup.
  2. Include the index number in the keypad sendMessage.
  3. On the subview message handler check the index number.

Figure 3. The subview message handler.

I might not have the scope set correctly in Figure 3.

It's in the manual but would be hard to find if you didn't know what to look for. Perspective - Flex Repeater | Ignition User Manual

Tip :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::
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