Perspective Workstation On-screen Keyboard/Keypad (OSK)

Marked as the pre-emptive solution! :smiley:

Awesome, I'll have a look and see if this will work for me. Currently I'm fighting to get admin rights on the HMIs though to be able to do anything though :confused: One battle at a time to hopefully win the war

This is very good news.

Just FYI, I currently have a question open on the Microsoft forum for Beckhoff panel and PC combos, but I'm sure it applies to lots of other configurations as well... It relates to either being able to touch to open OSK on touching input fields and not being able to long-left press, or being able to do the inverse (using their eGalaxTouch driver), but not both. The use-case is controversial "jogging" buttons (customer doesn't want to install proper hardwired buttons :confused: ) however using PLC failsafe mechanisms (Ignition quickly increments value of tag, while incrementing PLC engages output, if PLC doesn't see change in x ms, drop output)