Pie chart slice style and events

I can work around it with setting the pie chart legend to bottom position, using a left join in the query to make sure my number of rows is constant, and setting the size of the container.

It doesn't solve the above questions though.

My newest concern is that I have set a binding for showing values or percentages and I am using a parameter to switch between events and time in the data query.

Well when I show the time, it shows in seconds.
Is there a good way to convert the format of the legend values to hh:mm:ss while still having the pie look normal?
I don't know how to keep it as a number for the pie and then format the legend also.

{category} : {value.percent.formatNumber('#.0')}%
I think I can bind toolTipFormat to convert the tool tip, but I don't see anything for the legend values.

Is there a way to do to math in the tooltip?

I thought I might be able to combine:
Expression tag to convert minutes to hh:mm:ss - #2 by KathyApplebaum]
Tooltips – amCharts 4 Documentation]
Some kind of amcharts math if it is possible.

Well I kind of did an expression binding, but it isn't right as # and % are not allowed.

if( {...../flexFilter/flexDate_1/Dropdown.props.value}=1
,'{category} : {value.percent.formatNumber(\'00.0\')} percent\nEvents:{value}',
'{category} : {value.percent.formatNumber(\'00.0\')} percent\nSeconds:{value}\nDowntime:{value.formatDuration(\'hh:mm:ss\')}')

Still shows 100% correctly even when .formatNumber(\'00.0\')

SELECT keyName, val
FROM (select 35 as performance, 65 as ad) t
UNPIVOT( val for keyName in (performance, ad)) u

Also, copied this from @JordanCClark and wanted to post here so I could find it again easier to test my pie chart.

Select coalesce(S.AutoLogged,0) as AutoLogged
, coalesce(S.Entered,0) as Entered
, convert(varchar,dateadd(hh,-7, GETDATE()), 20) as Since from(
  SELECT 0 AS test
) AS dummy
left join anotherTable on....
) as S
 ON 1= 1

I needed this trick/technique too.