Power Table: problems with formatting the border / intercell spacing

Thank you @justinedwards.jle

I thought I remembered seeing that in the manual, I was looking for a different answer and saw that and thought of my power table issue. I have my Auto-Resize Mode set to 'All Columns' and there's no scrollbar still. I'll try the other settings and see if that makes any difference. Is it possible to have too many columns?

Hey I got it figured out, I turned it off and it's fine now :slight_smile:

This is expected. The purpose of the Auto-Resize Mode is to prevent horizontal overflow and underflow (precisely filling the visible portion of the scroll pane). If you have it set to all columns, and you resize one of your columns, then all of the other columns will all grow or shrink to accommodate the change. The other options work the same way in that they specify which column(s) will resize to keep everything precisely within the visible horizontal space of the scroll pane. The only way to get horizontal overflow or underflow is to turn auto resizing off. With it off, you can increase the size of a column without any of the other columns resizing. With this setting turned off, if the result ends up being wider than the visible portion of your scroll pane's viewport, then the scroll bar will appear, and part of the table will overflow outside of the visible rectangle.

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Glad to hear it.

Yes, I should've went back to the manual and read there before asking here.

My apologies :person_facepalming:

Thank you for your help!